Cough Too Much... Should I Change To 100% Vg?

Hi guys, i started vaping a couple of weeks ago, i quit smoking like 5 years ago, i tried a cigarette after i quit maybe once in a while probably 1 every year , and i never coughed, well i started vaping and i noticed if i do lung hits i cough, if i do mouth to lung hit i cough, if i do mouth hits i barely cough but still do sometimes, so does that means im allergic to PG and i should switch to 100% VG? or could be im still not used to vaping?

Please tell me based on your experience...


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Why Do I Cough When Vaping? Please Help!

I have been vaping for a month with a pod kit (voopoo argus air) using pnp coil .8 ohm for MTL. I was smoking for more than 10 years and I want to quit but everytime I vape I feel a tightness on my chest and it induces me to cough. When I am smoking an analog it is so smooth I don't even cough. I really want to quit smoking but with this unpleasant experience on vaping it is hard to leave smoking. My juice is a salt nic with 24mg/ml nicotine strength.  

Lung Hit Tips?????

To bring you up to speed on my vaping. I started in mid 09 and went 2+ years with out an analog np, Then kinda dropped it for bar hopping and I really dont know why. Kept vaping but only when smoking was prohibited.

I come back, and I have always been a mod whore. So pickin up where I left off. But now we got all the sub tanks and sub ohm mods, ect. I find myself in the odd position that my desire to be a mod whore, and my ability to vape these new powerful devices is leaving me,,,,,,,,unfulfilled. Worse yet I think TC or some form of that will be the future of vaping.

So today with my new MiniM and new Kanger subtank mini Ni coils. I begin to try lung hits. Doing pretty good for being at it less than an hour. I brings me back to a time in my misspent youth.

But I immediately noticed some differences in what works and what. More specifically I used to hit the button slightly before I would take a mouth hit. If I didnt it would cause me to cough. With lung hitting the opposite seems to be the only way, (Hit as I press).

I really want to get my brain around this. Is their any other "Lung Hit" tips anyone cares to share??

A problem I anticipate is I probably have $300 worth of 24mg juice laying about. So I suppose I will really be reliving my glory days.

Looking for lung hit tips?????  

Lower Nicotine When Doing Lung Hits?

So I've been mouth to lung vaping since I started vaping. Started at 24 mg with the Halo Triton and when I upgraded to the iStick and the Nautilus I lowered my nicotine down to 15 mg. It's been fine.......getting enough nicotine so I don't crave analogs, not getting too much nicotine so that I start feeling sick. Throat hit has been fine and not uncomfortable.

Yesterday I started doing lung hits with the iStick and the Nautilus and with the greater amount of vapor I can produce, I stepped the nicotine down to 12 mg since I also started to get a little lightheaded (I suppose with the greater amount of vapor I am also taking in more nicotine, even though nicotine absorption through the lungs is not supposed to be as good as through the mouth and nose). The juice that I am using is also a 70VG/30PG mix as compared to the 50/50 I was vaping before. However this morning I woke up with an irritated throat and the vape (even when switching back to mouth to lung) feels more harsh.

Do I need to step down the nicotine level even more to 6 mg? Is this normal when going from mouth to lung to direct lung hits? I'm not subohming, so I didn't expect that I would need to drop it down that much. I'm afraid that if I drop it down too much, then I'm going to have more cravings and will need to vape constantly.  

Lung Hits At 6mg-12mg Or Mouth To Lung At 30mg - Why Such Big Diff. ?

Hey all,

I've always vaped a high nic concentration. Probably since I started in somewhat of the early days 6 years ago at least and the equipment sucked so the high nic levels kinda offset the equipment. Vape 30mg.

I recently got an atty with a big airhole so I was able to go sub ohm at like
.5ohm at 20-30 watts at my normal 30mg+ nic. Holy **** - it kicked my ***!!! I had to drank a gallon of water after 1 in a half hits.

Do any of you guys notice such a big difference in nicotine amounts when switching vaping styles. When I mouth to lung I only take in maybe a quarter of the actual vapor that's produced- but I use like 30mg+ of nic. But I really like the throat hit the high nic amounts provide.

What are your experiences ? Am I crazy with having to use 30mg+ for my normal mouth to lung vaping style.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk  

Subtank Mini And Coughing

I've searched the forums and really couldn't find anything spot on with the problem I'm having, but if there is something I missed please forgive me. Anyways Ive been vaping for about 2 months now. I've had no problems with coughing and not being able to Vape up to now. I was using an Aspire Nautilis mini, and I decided to get a Kangertech sub tank mini. This is where the problems have begun. I'm coughing like crazy with this thing. I've done mouth to lung hits, let the it sit in my mouth before inhaling and still cough like crazy and it's only with this subtank I'm now using. I was using the 0.5 ohm coil that was on the unit. I switched to the 1.5 to see if that helped and it didn't. I've adjusted air flow, played with wattages and voltages and really no help. Is there a reason this is happening? What would be the cause of me having a coughing fit only when using this subtank? By the way I'm using a 50/59 mix of e juice.  


Ugh!!! I got a bad head cold a week ago and had to stop vaping because it made me cough like crazy. I decided to try again day before yesterday and now I can't taste my juice at all and it still makes me bout want to gag! I've lowered my watts on my istick 30 to 12.5 I was using 15 so I won't cough, but it's like I have vapers tongue or something and I know that can't be!! Anyone had this to happen?  

Has Anyone Quit Vaping And Still Dehydrated/ Cotton Mouth

Vaped for 2 years , had my e cig in my mouth for most of that time . I suffered from pasty mouth all the time only since I started vaping .

I stopped vaping a week ago and have been downing water but it seems like 5 min after drinking I get pasty mouth and can chug so much water again . I don't like this because I often wake up with a really dry mouth and my lips are always chapped.

I have no other underlying issues . I know its only been a week but still !
anyone else with similar experience?


Why Am I Coughing So Much Now? I'm Not New To This...

Recently, I developed a pretty nasty cough, and I suspect vaping, since it usually happens right after I exhale, and at night when I'm in bed, it's a LOT worse. The problem seemed to start shortly after I got my Kanger SubTank Mini, which was about 4 months ago or so. I've been using 50/50 liquid for the past year or two and haven't changed the flavor in a couple years. I've also been using the same brand for about 4 years. The cough is brutal, and sometimes it hurts and makes me feel like I have to throw up. It's a lot like that tickle in your throat you get when you have a cold.

Things I've tried to remedy this:
- Gone all the way down to 20% PG, suspecting this may be a culprit.
- Tried many different coil lengths. I've built everything from 0.3 - 1.5 ohm.
- Tried using the OCC heads that are built for the subtank mini
- Changing airflow on the tank
- Building "looser" coils
- Building coils with different diameters

None of these have fixed the cough. The last step I guess I could try is a new tank or something, but I don't really want to do that.

Also worth noting, sometimes it's completely fine. No coughs.

Any ideas?  

Switched From Cigs To Vaping Mouth Sores

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Mouth To Lung To Lung To Ear To Mouth

I enjoy vaping in the following way:

1. Mouth to lung
2. Lung to lung
3. Lung to mouth to lung back into mouth through left nostril
4. Mouth to right nostril back to mouth to lung to left nostril
5. Lung to mouth back to lung
6. Lung to lung to lung back to mouth through left nostril out right ear into mouth back to lung (personal fav)
What's your favorite inhale technique?