Coincidence? I Think Not!

Today, I attached my first tank of Madtown Vapor's Banana Rama to my mod.

Just as I hit it, Cruel Summer by Bananarama came on the radio.

Coincidence? I think NOT!  

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Something To Remove Vapor From My Office


I have a small office in my house in which I enjoy vaping a lot. But I need the vapor to dissipate more quickly than it does! If I open my office door and leave it open for less than a minute, the vapor comes out and sets off our smoke alarm which is attached to a service that dispatches fire response! Thankfully, I've been able to run downstairs to, hit the code and talk to the alarm company to stop the trucks from coming, but as one might imagine, this is not fun. And it's anxiety-provoking for me. Additionally, the vapor filling and remaining in the room is... unattractive for Skype meetings.

I would love a desktop exhaust of some kind that can dissipate the vapor at least a bit if I smoke into it. But here's the thing, it needs to not be a window exhaust. It's too cold in the winter to have that running in the window and in the summer, I have an A/C unit in the window. Smokeless ashtrays are meant to collect smoke off a burning cigarette and by my research do not pull exhaled smoke.

Any thoughts?  

What Is This All About?

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Low Vapor Output From Istick 50w

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Came fully charged so threw on my nautilus and started vaping and I have to draw really hard to get some vapor. I've tried different wattages from 7-18 and the results are still low vapor. Not no vapor but not as much as I should be getting. So I thought it was a bad coil or atty so I threw the same tank onto my istick 20w and worked perfectly with a ton of vapor.
Threw it back on the 50 and made sure the counter was counting and took a vape for 7 seconds with about half the vapor from the 20w.
Am I doing something wrong?

Maximize Vapor Per Second...

I'm tired of hitting the 10sec cut off time and still craving more vapor (per hit).

(Rather than just taking another hit) I want to maximize the amount of vapor per second per hit to achieve this.

I have my lemo tank opened up all the way which allows for maximum airflow.

Is it true that more wraps (on my coil build) would create more vapor since it's more surface area of saturated wick?

That coupled with more wattage would burn it hotter, also creating more vapor.

And using a gauge like 24 would help keep the ohms down, which in turn would allow for faster coil heat up time/temp to produce vapor quicker to maximize vapor per second?

Please let me know if these steps will yield more vapor per second or just send me on a different direction / adjust my ideas to allow me to obtain my desire.

Thanks ECF!  

The Best Things In Life Are Free :)

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an on going list that i've tried to keep....
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Vapor Gurus free 350 ego-t kit (with ce4 and usb charger) for purchase of 10ml bottle of juice ($6)
Free greensmoke kit for first time customers only
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The Vapor Station, 2 Free Bottles of Juice For A Review

[edit]sorry if this is the wrong forum....wasn't sure....figured general discussion (ish)  

New Mod Wraps Today!

Just got my wraps for my three favorite mods in vapemail from Vapor Skins, and I was very impressed with the exact fit, quality, fit and finish of all three. I got a Carbon Fiber for my IPV Mini 70W, an Exotic Wood for the Sigelei 150, and a Textured Wood for the VS rDNA 40. I've attached a pic (pease ignore the messy Tugboat). We'll see how they hold up, but for now I'm a happy customer!


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Hello atmistssssssssssss
Do u peeps vape different juice in summer or winter like u change the vg percentage?
I use 70vg ATM and it's summer on my zlide tanky  

Spring Into Summer!

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It's Summer

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Having A Hard Time Finding The Right Set-up

I'm having a mad time trying to find a tank or clearo to fit a relatively small battery to upgrade from my triton without having to go to a MOD set-up I need a nice drip-tip too.It seems like an in between of my Triton tank and a MOD I can't quite find the vapor production I'm looking for I lowered my ohms on the triton 1.8 it did produce a bit more vapor but the tanks just aren't built for those ohms and they run to hot.I've already gone through three coils.I looked at the Aspire Nautilus mini premium kit not completely sold on it, eGo One battery with Nautilus mini but I think the tank I'm looking for should hold more e-liquid.Any help here much appreciated.