Ipv Mini 2 And Mvp Siezed By Custom's In Bvi

I just flew back from Tortola today and had my e cigs confiscated by British Virgin Islands Custom's. I'm really upset and have smoked my 1st cigarette in over a year since quitting with my pv's. I waited forever for item's like the iPV mini 2 to get to me down here in the Islands and am astonished that an airline has a policy of disallowing e-cigs in either carry on or checked luggage!

Naturally, I will be getting in touch with the Airline concerned for an explanation. Last thing I expected in a place where tolerance is usually a given. Incidentally a sign read that firearm's could be checked in if discharged and declared!?!?!?

What is going on  

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International Flight > Spare Batteries In Carry-on And Juice + Everything Else In Checked Bags?

International Travelers

I am now in the US and I am going back to the Philippines for about a year.

I have a couple of VW box mods and a mech. tube mod along with 3 or 4 various atomizers. I also have a bunch of 18650 and 18500 batteries along with a couple of those skinny EGO style Twist batteries.

Since I make my own juice, I have some large bottles of VG and some 60mg Nic unflavored PG base, along with some bottles of flavorings.

I am thinking that everything I have goes into the checked bags except for the batteries which go in carry-on luggage ... does this sound right to you?

One thing else ... If I have a small EGO Twist battery with a small Kanger Aerotank Mini on top of it (for vaping at the airport once I get into Hong Kong), do you think I would have any problem with airport security if I put that in the TSA tray along with my other carry-on junk that's in my pocket before going though the metal detector? ... The Aerotank Mini in my pocket would have a little juice in it.


The Cigarette That Won't Go Out...

The only issue I have with using an e-cigarette is the darned thing doesn't go out.When I smoked the stinkies at least when the smoke got to the end you butted it,waited a while then lit another.With these e-cigs they don't,I keep on puffing and puffing.I find the only time I'm not using it is when I'm outside working in the yard,eating or sleeping.I'm propably getting more nicotene than I ever did with the stinkies.

Anyone else experiencing this?  

International Flights With Vape Stuff

I've seen a few discussions on this in the search but none quite answered all of my questions. (most were about juice,18650 batteries, or domestic flights with 1 device)

I haven't flown internationally since I started vaping. I'm just wondering how/where to pack everything. I'm flying from the US to Italy via Russia. I'm going for awhile so i'm taking almost everything. For Juice and tanks/coils i'm just going to pack them in my checked bags. What i'm more worried about is what to do with batteries. All of my devices are internal batteries (istick, twists) so is it better to turn them off and take off the tank and pack them in checked? Or is it better to carry them on? I have quite a few (+ a friend's stuff) so i'd hate to carry them on but i'm worried they might get damaged because it gets pretty cold down in those luggage compartments. If I carry on them on do I have to take everything out for the security check like you have to with laptops and ipads? Is it better to keep tanks on them so TSA knows what they are or are they getting pretty familiar with what this stuff looks like. I don't want anything confiscated obviously but I can see how they look a bit suspicious without tanks.  

E-cigs On Planes

I'm travelling without checked luggage in two days from now. I know the rules about liquids having to each be under 3 oz. and in a plastic bag. Is it okay if the juices are already opened though? I bought two 30 oz. juices to take on the plane but now I want to dig into them because... they taste so good...

How many 30 oz. bottles can I take in one plastic bag?  

Horrible Mucus

Hi everyone I have been vaping for about a month now and loving it so much, I haven't smoked any normal cigs since I started, everything was going good until about a week ago when I noticed some yucky mucus/phlegm in the back of my throat now it's built up so much that it's causing me to constantly try to bring it up but it just won't budge no matter what I do. Dr told me it is from quitting cigs and my body is getting rid of it however someone told me it can also be the PG, I use 50-50 and 12mg Nic I really don't know what to do because I need the PG for throat hit as I was a heavy smoker but if I don't have PG then I won't get the hit...I'm at a loss... Has anyone had this mucus problem and if so how did you get rid of it? Feeling really down atm  

Really Frustrated

Sorry don't know if this is in the right forum.

I have had a mini nautilus for about about a week now.

I've been through so many threads on other people's issue with gurgling and can't find a fix.

I don't get spitting it's just the noise. It's really frustrating me.

I checked website for my mini and it is verified genuine.

Anyone with any suggestions?.

Tried everything mentioned else where. Tried new coil and still making noise. My coils are BVC that cake with verfied mini.

On very rare occasion it doesn't happen it seems to be when I'm on my car which is strange.....

It's leading me to believe it is a problem caused by temperature.

If I can't get this fixed then I'm going to just go back to using my profanity 2 which is a shame as the mini provides better flavour.

I don't see how it's got such good reviews..

Please help  

Vaper's Revenge

As an ex-smoker, I feel that smokers were discriminated against. My city even had some stupid law about not being allowed to smoke outside in certain areas. This is of course the same city that attempted to ban large sized Coca-Cola and other sodas.

Now, since I'm vaping, I often now vape in places where it would not be possible to smoke an analog cig.

For all of those times when I wanted to light up an analog before, and couldn't, now I can, thanks to vaping.

I find myself sneaking vapes in many different sorts of places now, simply because I feel like it, and because I can!

Does anybody else find themselves sneak vaping in various locations?

Has anybody ever stealth vaped on an airline flight before? I remember when cigarettes were allowed on airline flights. I think that vaping should definitely be allowed on flights, and that airlines should change their current rules.

Basically, I'm not going to stand for vaping to be discriminated against in the same way that cigs and cig smokers have been demonized for ages now, and I believe that vaping should be allowed practically everywhere.  

I Just Read This News

The FDA has a decision on e cigs.they are supposed to be banning all flavored pods.
They are not going to be banning top tank e cigs because kids don't like them.

I hope this is true.friday we should know more. Happy New year.  

Anyone Down To 0% Nicotine?

Hi All! Sorry if this is long. This place is a lifesaver. I was a 30 year PAD smoker. Tried all the recommendations to quit. Resigned to smoking forever. I heard of vaping in 2013 and found this site. The day my Ego arrived in the mail on April 15, 2013, I put down the cigs and haven’t had a puff since that day. (I still smoke in my dreams every night.) I started out at 18 mg, and went up to 24 for a while. I vaped way higher nicotine than my cigs had, and much more often. I even took my Ego pen to bed and put it under my pillow to use through the night. No matter how much Nicotine I inhaled, I still went through the same withdrawals that I did when quitting cold turkey, or the gum, or the patch, or setting a timer between smokes. It was obvious I wasn’t withdrawing from nicotine. It’s from whatever chemicals are in the cigarettes.

Over the last 7 years, I’ve gone down from 18mg, to 12, to 6, and now 3. Not by choice. I was happy at 18. I started getting lightheaded, so stepped down the nicotine in levels. Not because I wanted less nicotine, but because my body couldn’t handle it. I’m now at 3mg, and starting to getting lightheaded from it. Next step is 0mg. I’ve no problem going to no nicotine, but after so long, I can’t imagine not having the inhale/exhale/hand to mouth repetition.

Has anyone gotten to 0mg and still vapes, or have you broken the habit?  

Hello Again...

I thought I'd drop in and say hi. I joined about 9 years ago, quit smoking around 6-7 years ago (?), and eventually just fell out of touch.

I'm still vaping, and I'm glad to see it's getting easier all the time. I don't really have a favorite of anything other than tanks (Nautilus). I just mix a single flavor I found (Heisenberg) and base, and buy a cheap replacement mod whenever I lose one. Life is simple and good.

I've spent like $100 dollars this year, so I'm still ahead in terms of money.

For the old folks: For context, I was active here back when Provaris were a really hot item.

So anyways, for those struggling to stay off the cigs, keep at it. It gets better! I don't miss it (although I do like the smell as long as it's outside).


PS. Pandemic sucks. If there are any fans of text games, check out the link in my signature.