Vaping And Pregnancy

As some of you may know my wife and I are expecting (due December 18th). I don't use any nicotine in my vape products, nor do I vape any juice with dyes or harmful additives. Is the second hand vape safe for my wife?  

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Appearance Can Be Deceiving

Like some pretty girl would make a bad wife for you,but some ugly girl would be a good wife for you.

Traditional people who are not update on the science of vaping and cigarette thinks that vaping is more harmful because of the amount of vapour it produce instead of cigarette where less amount of smoke is visible.Thats probably why the amount of vapour a vape produce while cigarette too can be deceiving in terms of health harm/risk  

Geek Vape Products

Hello! All!
I hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy.
QUESTION? I have been buying Geek Vape products for a little over a year. For the past 10-12 weeks, I have been having a hard time in finding coils, tanks and Vaping devices. I went on 10 different websites and they are all out of stock. Does anyone know if there is a problem with Geek Vape or if the problem is for other companies or products coming to the USA.

A General Rant To Clear My Frustration... ( The Ban)

I know this is useless for most of you and if the mods want to delete it please do but I am so frustrated with the media and the politicians and I have no outlet for this, so here we are.

I actually have never smoked or vaped (aside from a trial puff here and there), but my wife and mother both have smoked and do vape. I'm on here because I'm the research and order guy.

They switched from smoking to vaping in 2007 almost at the same time, so it's been 12 years for them.

My mom was a smoker for 50ish years, and as a waitress, she was at about 2 packs a day. She's always had fairly good health because she worked on it, but as she got older you could hear the "smoker's cough" develop and just see the symptoms of aging and the early signs of lung issues. One of her sisters has COPD and another died of lung cancer. She swapped to e-cigs and never had a relapse to cigarettes. Within a year the cough was gone. She is 75 and most people think she is in her 50s. She is active and in great health with only mild diabetes (controlled with diet and I think the minimum dose of a pill, no insulin). She has had chest x-rays and a few other exams and they doubt her when she tells them she is an ex-smoker.

My wife has a similar story. Lighter smoker for a shorter time, but same results. Better health, lungs fully healed from smoking. No side effects from vaping.

Oh and my wife's father was a huge smoker and used e-cigs to completely quit smoking/vaping altogether when the pills/patches/gum wouldn't work at all.

Now, they both utilize products from that resemble cigarettes and use the "light or ultralight" (I wanna say 1.8% or 1.1%... something like that) equivalent nicotine level. They don't have the giant boxes the "kids" use that produce a room full of vape smoke to be edgy and cool. They vape pretty much the same times they'd take a smoke break though I think less often really... I think they take fewer puffs maybe a little more often? I dunno, it's hard to remember since they haven't smoked in 12 years. My wife will hold hers casually hidden in her hand and get a couple puffs during movies and slowly let the vapor escape and NOBODY knows. Not even me sitting next to her.

Their health is so much better. My mom uses a plain nicotine flavor that tastes like her Winston lights did and my wife has a Menthol that tastes close to her Salem Slim Light 100s. Neither were fond of the fun flavors. I got some 0 nicotine grape the first year and puffed on it once in a while and it was neat (not really inhaling, more like a cigar or a pipe) and that was that.

I am so pissed off at the Trumps and the media for their generalized reporting and the banning of products. I'm pissed at the people/kids who use vaping like its a toy and fun hipster trend and got it banned from airplanes and restaurants. I look at my mom who most likely would have died of lung cancer or be on oxygen by now if not for vaping and I just want to punch these people in the face. How can single digit deaths, which I understand was using sketchy products anyway, trigger fear and a ban when the cigarette companies kill MILLIONS and cause cancer (to smokers and people who are adjacent to smokers via 2nd hand smoke) just have to put a warning label on their product?

Anyway, I'm rambling. I don't know where this goes. Maybe it'll spark discussion. Maybe it'll be deleted and I'll be told I'm an idiot. Maybe someone who isn't sure if vaping will help them quit smoking will see three success stories and take a step in the right direction. I dunno...

Fight the good fight people.  

What To Expect With Salts?

I’m a long time vaper. I have been vaping 83/27 PG/VG juice with 12-16 mg nic. I use an avacado tank with dual Clapton coils at .3 ohms and around 50-60 watts. With this config I can get my most desirable lung hit but only with certain juices and I tend to chain vape. Whenever the shop is out of my regular juice I’m always Leary picking something new because a lot of times even at the same nic level I don’t get the satisfying lung hit I crave and end up with a sore throat from hitting it so often. Soo... I moved to Hawaii and my system is all screwed up. The juices here are all 50/50 so super watery, the juice is also double the price, I burn through it twice as fast, the lung hit is barely there, and it pops and crackles really loud which drives my wife nuts and has cuased many arguments about my “stupid crack pipe”. So in an effort to make my wife happier, spend less money, and maybe vape less I decided to venture into the salts realm.

I started with a geek bar to test the waters and lung hit was phenomenal! But at $20 a pop and only lasting a day that just wasn’t going to work. So after much research I just picked up a SMOK NORD 2 and some 48mg juice. I set it for 50 watts and took my first drag. Good god almighty! One hit and I caught a buzz. I have NEVER caught a buzz from a vape before. After some messing around I dialed it down to 25 watts and so far seems like the sweet spot and I don’t have the urge to chain vape... so success? I don’t know yet? It’s for sure a lot quieter and 1/4 the size of my tank MOD. Does going from chain vaping 16mg to 48 salt nic seem excessive or about right? I may try the 24mg juice when this one is out but any other suggestions? I’m a little worried I’m going to give myself nic poisoning after that first drag lol  

Just Encountered My First Vapers In The Wild!

My wife and I went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner last night. There was a bit of a wait for seating, so we went outside to sit on the bench. I had just taken out my V2 Pro Series 3 to have a vape when a family of five adults (I guess the youngest was in his late teens) came out and sat further down. I hadn't noticed until my wife mentioned it to me - they all took out vaporizers, including a man who must have been in his sixties. So we commiserated a bit over it. They were interested to see how mine worked, as they'd heard of that type but never seen one. We had just got started when our table for two came up and we had to go inside, so we didn't get to talk much or trade stories. But I wished them happy vaping!

That was the first time I've ever seen anybody vaping in public. And whatever fruity flavors they were vaping smelled great.  

Serious Question Here

Ok, let me make this brief as possible. I'm guessing my wife (non smoker or vapor') seems to have developed a sensitivity to my vaping. She seems to have nasal congestion a lot when I'm home. I'm not a cloud chaser, so I don't fill the room and tend to blow my vape away from her.

Has anyone else experienced effects of "Second Hand Vapor"?  

Quit Vaping For 2 Month, Made A Less Happier Person

I "successfully" quit vaping for 2 month. It actually wasn't that bad, I was able to fill the void with music/gum/walks. Right now I have 0 physical temptation to vape.

But there has been many stressful situations and I feel without the vape it made everything harder. To me, it's not that I had to have it, but it was something enjoyed. And taking it away made life a little less fun. It's like saying you can never eat candy or drink coffee again.

The only reason I quit was for the health benefits. I heard vaping can cause COPD but then I also hear it's a lot less harmful than smoking. But here's the thing that really demotivates one from quitting vaping:

We are not sure how harmful is it (if at all)

There are many other things bad for us in life, like air pollution, asbestos, etc. Is it worth giving up something that you enjoy for a marginal health benefit? I vape at a low wattage so I don't think I'm getting lots of formaldehydes.
I'm really thinking about going back to vaping. I think I'll vape a few more years and if news comes out by then that vaping is truly really bad, then I'll quit...

I don't know... it's not like we are going to live forever even if we don't vape/smoke/do anything unhealthy...  

How To Get Wife Off Cigarette?

Hey guys I've been vaping for about 7 months and haven't smoked a cigarette in about 5 months I've been trying to get my wife off oh them I just can't seem to get her into vaping she says it hurts her throat I've even got her some juice with only 3mg nic. any tips or do you know of any brands that go lower then 3mg? Also she is using the Istick 50w with Kanger sub tank.  

Tax Hikes In Many States

Alright, so I was reading over a house bill that just passed here in Hawaii "with amendments"

Not exactly sure what the amendments are, so this could be irrelevant, but the concept still holds true.

The legislature imposes an 80% tax on "Tobacco Products" which they have conveniently bundled electronic cigarettes into.

So, what would stop a vape shop from selling all 0 nic juices, and adding nicotine as a separate purchase. For example, I buy a 30mL bottle of juice with zero nic, and then I buy enough nicotine concentrate to bump it up to say 6mg/ml

They sell me the juice for $15 (Hypothetical here) and sell me the nicotine for $1.00

So all that would get taxed is the nicotine because that's the only "Tobacco Product" (by their definition). So we only pay 80 cents in taxes rather than $12.80

If I ran a vape shop, this is what I'd be doing to prevent my customers from taking their business out of state, or worse going back to stinky sticks...

As far as I know, they would be hard pressed to define any of the electronic equipment as tobacco products, or juice without nicotine.

Is selling the nicotine as a separate purchase a viable strategy for defeating these ridiculous laws that are being proposed all over the country?  

How Much Nicotine Am I Getting Per Vape Hit?

Okay, so I Vape in very “precise” ways but I cannot figure out how to calculate (do the proper math) on how much I nicotine I am consuming. Can someone help? I have been vaping the exact same way daily for a long time, but still don’t know how much nicotine I get (just an estimate) per session because I suck at math...

1.) I vape 3mg (3mg of nicotine, per ml of juice) of nicotine using a “Smok Nfix” that holds a 3ml pod of nicotine juice. So that’s 9mg of nicotine, per pod.

2.) I set the wattage to exactly 22W on the vape, always, and it is a MTL pod device.

3.) I take EXACTLY 5 puffs over a period of 5-10 mins. Every puff is EXACTLY 5 seconds. Sometimes only 4 seconds, but just say 5 to make it easier. I use my watch or phone’s timer to make certain the timing is exact. I inhale the same way every time. So 5 puffs X 5 seconds, per puff, equals 25 seconds total for each vape session. After those 5 puffs, I don’t vape again (at all) for 1-3 hours, just depending.

....But how do I figure out how much nicotine I am getting in those 5 puffs? I know that in my Nfix pod there is 9mg of nicotine, in each pod.

I also believe 1 full pod (3ML) gives approximately 325 seconds worth of puffs, with each puff being only 1 SECOND. I only tested this one time so I am not certain, but it’s an estimate.

Can anyone help me do the right math here?
I also still smoke ultra light Marlboro cigarettes (from what I read on multiple sources you only absorb about 0.5mg to 0.7mg of nicotine per cig on the ultra lights) but only 1-3 cigarettes per day.
But I am wondering if my 5 puffs on the vape (5 puffs @ 5 second each) is even remotely close to being equal to an ultra light cigarette that has about 0.5mg nicotine per cig?
Thanks, I suck at math so if anyone can help lol