Brand New Oldy

When going through some boxes in storage I came across this one.
A brand new DSE-801 from October 2008
I sometimes received things to do reviews on back then but I guess by seeing the umpteenth 801 I didn't even bother taking it out of the box.
Is there a Vape museum somewhere?


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I Met A Representative From Big Tobacco Today.

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80 Watts Or 150 Watts?

The 65 watt M65 I got is defective. So I'm returning it and replacing it with a new mod. But I'm stuck between 2 mods. The Smoktech X-Pro M80, or the Vape Connexx 150. Both look great but I'll give you a quick run down on the pros and cons of both.

Smoktech M80

Pros - 4400 mAh built in battery, 80 watts max power, .2-3.0 ohms, pass through vaping, decent sized and stylish.
Cons - only 80 watts, built in battery, 4400 mAh.

Vape Connex

Pros - like the bulkyness of it, huge firing button, 180 day warranty, interchangable 18650, magnetic back, .1-3.0 ohms.
Cons - no pass through, never heard of the brand.

So should I stick with a brand I know? Or risk it and get a really powerful mod? Any input is appreciated. Thanks y'all.  

Nanny Google

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Can Anyone Tell Me What Brand This Is?

Alright can anyone tell me what brand this is pictured? I need replacement parts but don't want a whole 'nother tube in the process.
It's a Stingray clone, so I ordered some parts from Fat Daddy that will hopefully work.
In the mean time, help me out, great people's of the internet. Surely somebody out the recognizes this box, or the sigil in the upper left corner


Fake/phoney Vs. Authentic/legit Apvs - Really?

i always see people bringing it up, "make sure it comes with a security check code" for alot of apvs out.

in all of the time ive ben vaping - i have NEVER seen a fake mvp, istick, or anything else of that nature, besides an ego battery or evod battery/tank cloned.

since those are more of a "style" type thing, i understand them being copied - but name brand devices like MVP, istick, sieglie and the rest, i have never seen a "copy" that used THEIR brand name.

never seen one for the mvp, but i know the istick has a few "sisters" out - with different brand names - obviously not trying to copy/infringe.

has any one ever seen any fake avps? and i mean FAKE.  

The Universe Hates Me... Brand New Mod Got Destroyed.

So this has just been one of those days that I want to go back to bed and get a re-do on. the bright part of the day was I got my brand new FUhattan clone and a new Omega dripper for it. loaded it up with a purple Efest and was really enjoying it. The wife has been harping on me for a few weeks to move the woodpile that was at the end of the driveway to the back of the shed where we store wood for the winter. No problem. I slipped my new mod in my back pocket and went out to work. about 2 hours later I was done with the small pieces and had a number of large pieces I needed to split. grabbed my 20lb Splitting maul and a wedge and took after the splitting. And thats when the Universe said "NOPE!"

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And to top it off my neighbor was watching and said "Yea, those things are never safe. Only idiots use them." I asked him to get me any of his "Safe" battery powered devices and to let me smash it with batteries in it and we would see just how safe HIS things were. His wife threw a can of soda at him and told him to shut his mouth and get inside then asked me if I was ok. I told her just my pride was hurt...

So yea, this is just one of the things from today... Can I please have a do-over?  

Bad Luck With Egrip

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Your Most Useful Vendors ?.

So i continue with updates to my A-Z. One very useful site, which incidentally is in the USA, is "Element Vape". Probably, as far as i can recall, the "most" useful site for searching for vaping hardware i've ever come across. The reason i say this is because no matter what piece of hardware i'm looking at, whilst on the site, if i click on it, i'll enter the page it's on, and scroll down to the "description". Then at the beginning of the description i'll see the brand name. If i click on that i get taken to a page which displays all the hardware that Element Vape has of that brand. It's brilliant !. I'd imagine most sites do have a function in their main menu to search brands, i haven't seen this particular function anywhere else. It's just so useful !. If you land on this site when researching a mod this feature allows you to see everything else too.

So, Element Vape is my go to vendor site at the moment.  

Age Verification -- Funny

I was going through my stash. I clean it out regularly and give away stuff that I no longer use. I have a Wake Mod RTA that takes both coils and you can build on it. I actually like the tank and it has a proprietary drip tip that I, of course, lost. It would be a tank that I'd hang on to just to future proof me if I had the drip tip.

It has been on my mind to try to find a replacement drip tip and so far no luck.

The other day I found one so I ordered two of them. I get an email letting me know that I have to verify my age by taking of a photo of me holding my ID. Are you friggin kidding me?

Immediately I got very irritated - certain things just set me off --lol. I replied to the email with a cancel my order and refund me and cancel my account as well. I also let them know that I have been purchasing vape products online for years and have no issue going through an online process but I am not taking a photo of my ID with me holding it and sending it to you.

Received an email just now with a tracking number --- I guess the drip tips were mailed --lol.