Pro-wrestler Willie Mack Talks Vaping

Here's a chat I had with pro-wrestler Willie Mack at Vape Summit III. Willie talks about how he got started with vaping, the hardware he likes, and the e-liquids he enjoys. He also names other pro-wrestlers that vape.

More Vape Summit III coverage

If you're not familiar with Willie Mack, below is a clip of his work.


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Vape Summit Iii 2015 Las Vegas Thread?

Does anyone know if there is a Vape Summit III (2015) Las Vegas thread here? It's coming up at the end of the month, and online info is he
I was hoping there would be an ECF thread for it!

I Have A Serious Question

So today I bought a pack of cigarettes . I havent smoked in a long time and i feel like vaping has turned me into a complete nicotine addict and this is why I bough the pack , I wanted to test myself since I know how much I use to smoke . Ever since I started vaping I have been increasing strenght and quantity of juice per day and I vape a lot , some days , I would vape between 10 - 15 ML of 6mg juice and absorb another ML though my skin while building . I smoked my first cigarette in almost a year and I finished it and guess what after that I wanted another one but I didnt take it .

Well before I started vaping I was smoking one cig every 2-3 hours and now I want way more . I am honestly considering quiting vaping and smoking all together , maybe 1 cig day , that would be it . Or maybe I should switch to non rebuiuldable tanks and stop making my own juice because I honestly feel like DYI and rebuildables is what made me vape more , trying different build on different attomizers , trying my new DYI e-liquids , trying other e-liquids that I bought , trying this , trying that , and at the end of the day 20ML of juice gone .

What would you recommend me ?  

What's Your Vape Journey

I just wanted to here peoples amazing vape journey. Like how and why you started vaping and what you are vaping on now, how long you have been off the death sticks. And what are you vaping on now.

Little about my vape journey I've been vaping for about 7 months. I started on a itaste 20w with a protank 3, I told my self I was only going to use it till I got off cigs and I was never going to use rda's well now I am using a sigelei 150w with a troll rda haha, and just pre order my first temp control mod evic vt. I've loved every minute of it it's one of the best things that I've got into. Now let's here your story!  

How To Cut Down On Vaping?

I love vaping and its much safer than real cigs also sometimes I actually think its not bad for me at all. Problem is I vape way way too much. I dont want to quit but just want to cut down by around half the amount I vape. I swear I vape constantly and I think this is the main issue a lot of vapers have when it comes to vaping. Might as well get a oxygen like mask and just vape through that 24/7. What's a good way to cut down on vaping? I don't think it even has anything to do with nicotine but rather there isn't much indication for when you should put the ecig down. With a cig once you smoke it thats the indication you're done and dont need for like another hour. Could also be some sort of OCD towards vaping.  

Not Sure If This Is Vapor Fatigue / Vapors Tongue?

Hey guys, so I've heard of the above mentioned symptoms of constant vaping, the whole losing taste of a certain liquid you've been vaping constantly and such, but I have a sort of weird scenario.

I get a very strange taste from some of my liquids. For instance, I bought some space jam Omega which is supposed to be peaches and cream with a hint of spices. My friends and girlfriend all seem to taste a very strong peach flavor, I however taste a weird spice flavor. It's almost a basil taste.

The weird thing is, this happens with a few different liquids, but so far it's only fruity liquids (space jams astro, and 2 of vintages liquids) which I don't vape very often. I've had some loss of flavor when I vape the same liquid constantly, but that's the thing I'm rarely vaping these liquids.

I tried using some mouthwash, staying hydrated, etc and nothing has worked.

Any tips/advice/possible info would be appreciated! I just wanna taste my juice!  

Talking To Vape Shop

OK, so I am an old fart who has depended on the ECF entirely (REOVille, Saloon, several e-liquid threads), and now I am thinking of swinging by the local vape shops to talk hardware.
Obviously, Kayfun (clones) will be discussed. Probably going to bring up Vapefly and Vandy Vape for MTL attachments. Will undoubtably take several bottom feed mods as well.
What else should crusty old farts who have been vaping longer than their store has existed try to convince the vape shop owner (manager) they should at least look into ?
Like it or not, they local B&M's just became out main source for hardware.  

New Zealand Want To Join The Hysteria And Ban Flavoured E-liquids Now

I'm pretty disappointed with how this hysteria turns out. 3 months ago we just had a very good pro-vaping website from the government. And now the very same Ministry of Health is planning to propose legislation to ban all flavoured e-liquids except tobacco, mint and menthol

Currently, the vaping community and all vape stores in NZ are asking kiwi vapers to sign a petition to propose this plan. One example is this store
Oppose the flavour ban now! Keep your right to vape!

Unless there are some big guys in the government help us, I'm not sure if this petition really affects the outcome  

Lithuania Is Joining Too With 'banfest' - Flavour Ban Is Incoming!

After seeing devastating news all over the world (India, USA), Lithuania's government is stubborn enough to kill everything I loved about e-cigarettes with a click of a button. Boom.
From 2020 onwards (ban is still pending though, but read below, you'll get your answer, knowing how my government blindly accepts ridiculous bans and such), shops won't carry e-liquids with anything other than bare bones tobacco flavored ones. It would be a miracle if one of the guys who came up with this stupid idea would make his mind.
It's devastating... Even our biggest vape shops couldn't do anything at the meeting, their remarks and talks were all ignored.
Funny enough, CEO of Philip Morris Lithuania actually said something about competition and started laughing afterwards. Soon after he was asked to leave the meeting. That's saying everything I wanted to know. BIG TOBACCO IS PAYING.
I'm like sitting at vape shop, reading these news. My hands are shaking.

EDIT: I'm adding one of the articles on this exact matter. Just translate it to English and you should understand 95% of the article without issue.

E.cigarečių pardavėjai kilo į mūšį dėl išgyvenimo – protestuoja prieš M.Majausko pataisą  

Suddenly Intolerant To Liquid Nicotine? I Can't Believe It

Hi guys! First of all sorry for my bad english. I started to vape at February and I love it, thanks to the e-cig I don't want a tobacco cigarette anymore. By the way, for some reason, about 15 days ago I realized that e-liquid nicotine gives me agitation and jittery that I've never had before. Sure, nicotine is a stimulant like coffeine but as we know it's a relaxant, too. And this stimulant/relaxant combo is what I've had with tobacco cigarettes and with vaping until 15 days ago. To be sure that (liquid) nicotine is the culprit, I've tried everything. With nic free e-liquid I have no agitation, even though I become a little sad because actually I can't stay without nicotine for a whole day. You may say: "reduce the nic dosage" and that's what I did, but unfortunately even with 1.5 mg/ml I have this issue And I don't vape too much. So I decided to do another test: for one day I smoked tobacco cigarettes. Guess what? No agitation and jittery. This is so weird, I can't believe it! Because I can expect it if I vape too much at high nic dosage, but I vape at only 3 mg/ml and not too much. And as I said before even with 1.5 mg/ml. I started to vape at February with 9 mg/ml, then I gradually lowered the dose without any problem (until 15 days ago). Also, I've tried different nicotine e-liquids but nothing has changed. Now I don't know what to think other than I suddenly become intolerant to liquid nicotine, even though I don't have nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach problems and other symptoms that make me think: "you're intolerant for sure". What do you think guys? Is there something that I can do? I don't want stop vaping, especially because I don't want to smoke again Thank you so much in advance guys.  

How Can I Vape Without The Alarms Going Off All The Time?

My dad installed new alarms recently, and these are the kinds that detect vapor. So the alarms have gone off four or five times now, and it's really anoyying cause now I can't vape in my room. They've never said anything about me vaping in my room. They don't care for all I know. Until the alarms started going off. Please don't tell me to o just obey my parents and stop doing it. I was a smoker before, and vaping stoped me from smoking cigarettes. I'm 22 also. What should I do? Because I don't wanna have to go outside all the time. Would opening the window work?