English Is Not My Mother Tongue - Technicalities Even Worse

Would anyone please tell me what you call that adapter thing that connects a recessed 510 connection, such as in Mini Protank, to say an iStick. I'm looking for one but I don't know what to search for. I do have one which came with my iStick but need another one for the iStick I bought for my son. Thanks.  

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Istick 20w With Subtank Nano?

Hi all

So I'm currently set up with an iStick 50w and a SubTank (big un) all thanks to you guys im in Vape Heaven.

want i want to ask is this -

My Girlfriend is now getting more into Vaping and hasnt touched a Cigarette in quite some time. she has an iStick 20w and loves it (cos its pink -_- )

but she's not liking the tanks (aspire Viva Nova, one with a cross on it (completely forgot the name) and a protank 3 mini)

Shes tried my subtank AND LOVES IT! she's liking the airy draw and the ultimate flavour.

My question is she likes to vape at around 3.0-3.3V. Will the Istick 20w be able to SAFELY handle the protank nano with the 1.2ohm coil in?

I've told her she may have to up the power abit but other than that she should be fine right?  

Back Up Mod

My wife has got the istick 30 with a nutilus mini, and it's working great for her. I wanted to get a back up mod, in case something goes wrong with the istick.
I can just get another istick, and be done with it, but I thought she might like one of those round mods, kinda like a Spinner2 or something, for when your out and about, and it's a little more portable.
Any thoughts?- suggestions?  

Aspire Atlantis And The Eleaf Istick

Hey everyone, so I already have the eleaf istick but I'm just using a basic useless clearomizer on it. Is the Aspire Atlantis compatible with this battery? The iStick is 510 threaded, so if anyone can tell me if the Atlantis is 510 threaded, that'd be great. If not, is there some sort of adapter I can purchase? Thanks!  

Some Very Bad Person Stole My Istick

So I have been vaping for a few months now. I started with the ego type battery starter kit bought from a brick and mortar ( you all know the deal, littile carrying case, 650mah battery, junk clearomizer, and bottle of funky juice). I knew after a week I would not stop smoking with that alone. I then went and bought the Vision Spinner 2 and a Protank mini 3. I was feeling quite happy with this setup and went from a pack a day down to 4-6 analogs. I was even feeling better health wise. I soon discovered the vast world of vaping and "needed" the iStick mod. I bought that and threw the Protank mini 3 on it and life was good. I had no problems with my iStick and it was a huge step up from what I was using prior. It "satified" my need of "smoking". Everything was going well untill one day I busted the glass on the tank. I was not gonna let that get me down though. My vaping buddy gave me a some sort of knockoff topper that used the aspire coils ( I beleive it was a Nautilus mini clone of some sort, branded with the local shops name ). Still it fed my habit well. Now let me say I live in a small town and there is 2 brick and mortar shops. I usally would buy my coils from them and a bottle of liquid every now and then but.....I bought my iStick online. Fast forward a couple months now and I live with 2 roommates (one is a total jerk, and the other is a party machine. We all are in our mid 30's). Well recently I get off work and come home to a "party" on a tuesday night (like usual). Now remember I live in a small town and everyone vaping is using the ego type with plastic clearomizer. The brick and mortar shops here selll those and $100 RDA (which only a few friends I know have). Well this particular night my iStick was the talk of the kitchen table. Everyone wanted to try it and push the buttons. "Who can hit it at the higest watt?" type conversations. The night is ending and Im getting ready to go to my room. I set the iStick on its "charger" (just a handmade cutout box I made for it) sitting on the kitchen counter. 8 hours later I hit the BREW button on the coffee maker and reach for the iStick. IT IS FREAKING GONE!!!!!!!!! Now here is the deal. Noone there the night before knew anything about using it or finding the "sweet spot". The thing is that the knock off tank I was using is a 510 thread and I was using the included adapter to ease the wear and tear on the threads. So I am left with a Vision 2 spinner and a tank that just does not fit it. I AM SO ANGRY! I bring it up to my roommate and she is like "no one stole it, you misplaced it". If anyone of you guys and gals are like me, you know where your setup is at all times. So that leaves me with a MARK 3 disposable for now.
Sooooooooo does anyone have a lead on a good deal right now online? I see threre is a 30 watt now available. So if anyone know of a great deal please PM me or reply. I have limited funds right now but do not want to go back to Parliment analogs. Thanks for looking and letting me vent.  

Opinions On The Eleaf Istick Mini???

I just started vaping last week. I also just ordered my istick mini. I watched a few reviews they were good. I don't want to sub ohm just clearomizers and such for me. I have gotten adventurous and switched from a rgular bcc to a BDC.  

Bow 30, Clone Of Istick 30

A week ago I have bought Bou 30W which is a clone of iStick 30.

Bou 30W Style Variable Wattage Box Mod Black

On page of Angelsigs it is written it can go from 2W to 30W, and it is a lie. I hoped it is improved version of iStick, but seems it has the same circuit in. It starts only from 5 W, and quite often I like to vape at lower wattages (you know, to suck on pacifier without really spending any juice). And it is a bit too small to be comfortable. Vamo is still better, and I can just replace batteries instead of charging the whole device (where are phones with replaceable battery?)

Otherwise it feels very sturdy, buttons are solid, battery life is good. I have not used iStick, but think there is practically no difference.  

Isk Box Mod

I've seen this on web Someone knew if it is reliably and safe because it seems really well done

ISK 30W-Price killer to all box mod(Istick 30W.Istick 20W,cloupor mini,etc) - YouTube  

What A Difference A Proper Mod Makes!

I just bought an eleaf istick. I was using, for the few months I've been vaping, only eGo type batteries and decided to spend a little more on a mod and an RTA (EHPro kayfun lite).
The istick just arrived. I know it's not the most advanced piece of vaping hardware, but it's a huge step up from the eGo c twist.
I mean, with the same clearo (nautilus mini), the same juices and, allegedly, the same voltage, this thing makes my vaping experience so much better it's almost unbelievable.
If you're using an eGo battery, and you're serious about going on vaping and quiting smoking for good, by all means buy a regulated mod. It's really, really better.
I realize in the U.S. it's not a big deal, you can get a mod by $30 or less, but here in Brazil an istick goes for at least $100,but it's worth the money.

Now I expect the kayfun to be another step up, after I get decent coil building and wicking skills.

Just sharing the experience anyways.

Thanks for all the help you at this forum give to us at the community.


Replacement 510 Connector For Istick 50w??

So i think ive stripped the threads on my iStick 50w, my tank seems to cross thread all the time and it doesnt screw on first time all the time.

Can i get replacements or have i ballsed my istick up?​

Istick 50w With Subtank Mini

I will b getting it soon.ordering tmrw actually....I'll b getting several coils for backup as well. How long have any of u (using this setup) with heavy vaping get them to last? And also,with big cloud production,I'm also really needing a good(deep) throat hit...haven't smoked in 4days and don't plan on again but going to vape nicotine...I know everyone is different,but,ideas on mg content for subtank mini with istick??