What's Your Vape Journey

I just wanted to here peoples amazing vape journey. Like how and why you started vaping and what you are vaping on now, how long you have been off the death sticks. And what are you vaping on now.

Little about my vape journey I've been vaping for about 7 months. I started on a itaste 20w with a protank 3, I told my self I was only going to use it till I got off cigs and I was never going to use rda's well now I am using a sigelei 150w with a troll rda haha, and just pre order my first temp control mod evic vt. I've loved every minute of it it's one of the best things that I've got into. Now let's here your story!  

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Journey Of A Tainted Vape Cartridge: From China’s Labs To Your Lungs

Looks to me like these guys tracked down the true story of what's happened with the bad cartos that are causing all the trouble for vaping. Certainly the CDC knows all about this and chooses to ignore it.

Journey of a Tainted Vape Cartridge: From China’s Labs to Your Lungs  

Wednesday Next Week (may 20) = One Year Off Death Sticks!

I just felt the need to share a short version of my journey to date:

I had been vaping part time you about 2.5 years before my new (now ex-) girlfriend got me to walk into what was pretty much the only vape shop in town. After trying the V3 eGo setup, I bought a tank to replace my older eGo-T crap tanks and some juice. the next weekend, I bought an entire new eGo kit and gave her my old batteries so she too could start vaping. We both cut down on smoking by 50% in a couple of days. It took me a total of 12 days to decide I was done with cigarettes and by the 4th week, I was the owner of a Provari. This all started a year ago now. The Russian 91% followed quickly after that. Next wednesday will be my TRUE one year vapaversary. I since acquired a second Provari for a ridiculous price and 2 more Kayfun clones.

I will not hide that there have been temptations, even lately, to try an actual cigarette, but I have been keeping strong. I did smoke a small cigarillo at the company Christmas party last December and resisted the urge to ask for one or two more from my coworker.

I have not felt the need to stop and take a 5-10 minute "breather" for about a year now whenever I do just about anything physically demanding and I have to thank vaping for this. I also now have a great vape shop minutes away from where I live and have been into various vape shops halfway around the world (work related travels... I'm not that rich and I can get great juices 5 minutes from here) I still get one or two juices form that first vape shop I visited, which now has 4 locations, all of them at least a 30 minute drive from home.

Remembering last year, I do miss my ex (we left each other on good terms) and I really wonder how she's doing on her side with vaping. I know she's got a great shop near where she now lives and hope they have been able to help her. I have been to that shop, but was on a business trip and it was hard enough to know she had to go back to her hometown, so I didn't call her to let her know I was going to be in the area. It's probably better that way, although I still think about her.

It's been a great journey and I now can't wait to get on my old hybrid bicycle to see if I can now keep those racer owners behind me for good; during one of my last rides last summer, 2 of them took the better part of a mile before they finally passed me, and that was on the slope uphill on my way back from my 1 hour ride. I still weight over 250 pounds, BTW and will train hard to make those snobs eat my dust with a definitely inferior bike like I used to 10 years ago

Thank you ECF for helping to keep me on track and enjoying vaping so much!  

6mg Sub Ohm 0.2 @ 70w Too Much?

Hey guys,

I’m new to vaping. I have been a heavy 2 pack a day Marlboro light smoker for 20 years. I recently got into vaping and so far it has been an amazing journey!

I started with a small pod device (Caliburn) with 16MG nic salt. I found that I was still not able to quit smoking. I went back to my local Vape shop and got some 20mg nic salt juice, and that was too strong! It made me dizzy and confused and I just felt unwell. Even though @20mg I was getting a lot of nicotine I still wanted to smoke a cigarette.

On a whim I decided to give sub ohm vaping a try. I got myself a Lost Vape Thelema DNA 250c + a Freemax Mesh Pro 2 tank. I opted with 6MG freebase juice at 70/30. And sure enough it worked! I was able to quit smoking and have been smoke free for a week now!

My question though, is 6MG freebase nic @0.2 ohms (dual mesh), 70-80 watts too much? I feel fine for the most part and my cravings for cigarettes are under control. However from what I’ve read (and what the guy at my local Vape shop says) is that for sub ohm vaping you generally should stick to about 3mg of nicotine.

I know everyone is different, and you should do what works for you. But I’m just worried that with the large amount of Vapor I’m producing 6MG might just be a little risky.

I Vape quite a lot (200-250 puffs a day) and probably somewhere around 15-20ml of juice a day (at 0.2 ohms @ 70w the juice burns pretty quick). As mentioned above I generally feel fine. However sometimes I do feel a bit out of breath and like my chest is heavy. This could be gas (perhaps from inhaling so much air?). Or it could just be me adjusting from cigarettes to vaping. I don’t feel nauseous or have headaches.

Please let me know your opinions. Would really appreciate some advice from more experienced vapers!


How Have You Progressed Since You Started Vaping?

I started vaping and smoked my last cigarette Oct 12th 2013. I started with this..

This was my first setup and I loved it when I first got it. Then I got sick of dealing with the ego-c atomizers and upgraded to an Evod and boy I thought that was awesome! Lol.
December 6th 2013 I got my MVP2. (I remember the date because I got it the day before my friends wedding that I was in). Then came other clearos like an I smoke bcc mega, protank, etc.
Christmas 2013 I got an iTaste vv3 along with an iclear30s. I used that setup for quite a while until the Nautilus came out. I got one of those and used it up until last Christmas when I got an Atlantis along with an aspire sub ohm battery. After using that setup for a few months I really missed having a regulated device. I missed all the features and the adjustability of the MVP but wanted something more powerful that could power my Atlantis as well. So a few weeks back I ordered a 50w istick and that's where I'm at now.
I have yet to get into rebuilding but would like to try it out with something like a sub tank mini.
So when did you start vaping and how have you progressed?

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk  

Lost My Vape, Had A Smoke, Was Surprised

I lost my sigelei 150 watt at the airport in taiwan before security.
Noticed it was missing after security (early morning flight, hadnt slept, was on the phone, doing too much at once i suppose)
Anyways, tried to figure out how to get it back by going back out through security.... But apparently, that was impossible, and no one spoke english, so I got super ...agitated... and before I blew up at the next person, I went in to the smoke room and bummed a smoke off some dude. (Cuz i was seriously agitated at this point). Dont get me wrong, i had had a few puffs post vape, but this is the first real full smoke I had. I am not posting this because ive worked myself up in to some guilt trip because I failed myself, I dont really care in that respect...I dont regret having one, because I might have ended up ... doing something bad at a foreign airport out of sheer annoyance and frustration.
Anyways, I remember, when I first started vaping, there was always ...something missing. Something...no there that was there with cigarettes.
Now, The cigarette, Burning my eyes and tasting terrible, and leaving a smell on my fingers that lasted for hours ...all that aside... There is now something missing with cigarettes.
If I had to name something... I would say that the wattage in the cigarette seems too low... or the ohms too high.... Or both, Kinda kidding, but its like that feeling... That coupled with the fact that the airflow is not enough and unfortunately, its not adjustable.... And... I kept trying to draw like i do with my vape, long and slow.... and no... i could only manage short pulls.
The point... Is I just find it weird that I definitely felt something was missing when I started vaping... Something wasnt there, but now, when I went back to smoking, Its like... everything is missing.

Needless to say, the remaining 12 hours of my journey home and to my house from the airport, I didnt crave a cigarette at all.

BUT MAN, when I got home... DID I EVER CHAIN VAPE!

On the upside, I already rebought the Sigelei, This time in Red, And stuck on Mechs till it gets here.  

What To Buy Next?

A quick back story to start. I was a 1-2 PAD smoker for about 5 years. I found vapes and quit smoking. I was able to stop vaping and smoking for 18 months until I picked up smoking again for a few years. I have once again been able to stop smoking and started vaping again. Simple transition, some willpower for sure, but I have kicked the habit completely. When I started vaping again I purchased an Istick 50w and a troll. Have been using 3mg liquid only. It's been about six weeks smoke free again and I want to, not only upgrade, but reward myself. I read and read and watch reviews non stop, my head hurts from all of the stuff out now. I use my mod consistently at 45 to 50 watts. I have a 0.4 dual coil build and a chuff top. The heat from the vape is less than perfect, but I like the vapor production. I am interested in temperature control as well. If I need to buy two mods to have everything I want, so be it. Not that money isn't an issue, but right now it isn't a factor. I have been looking at IPV3, Sigeli 150, IPV4, Mech Mods, you name it I have looked and can probably tell you the specs off the top of my head. I just can't decide! I need your help ECF! I know I want at least dual 18650, as my Istick lasts maybe half a day until I need to charge. Good flavor and large vapor production atty, temp control, and good ergonomics. Thanks in advance for all input and help.  

I'm Not A Troll

If any of you are from ukvapers.org, you will know my story. I have been trying to get back to a time that I had done 42 days off cigarettes with vaping. But that was over 2 years ago. And I would like to get back there. I have been having a hard time at said forum as Each time I state that I will vape, I tend to go back to smoking and My possible reason for doing so is that it is not cutting it for me.

I have had countless support there but they keep stating about using high nic in an mtl tank. I cannot get along with them as I have used the Aspire Nautilus mini and Digiflavour Siren V2. I use rebuildables to save on money.

My go to tank is the Youde Bellus V1. with peach 6mg/ml. I have quite a large collection of do-it-yourself concentrates. And have 3.7L of 72mg Nicotine.

The reason why I have not posted in over 2 years is that I thought ukvapers would be my home for everything. So I also created a forum for myself and others at MVR Forum.

I know you need tough love to get someone to do as you need them to do something, but as I have paranoid schizophrenia, it is hard to break my habit of smoking. I know that I can and should but it is the very first few days that I find the hardest to continue.

All I want to do is to keep posting about my vaping journey and have support by members stating keep it going or you are doing good. I cannot any longer get this from ukvapers as It takes forever to get a reply. And with me having endless threads there I am seen as a troll when I fall of the wagon.

I would like users here to egg me on and that is all I wanted in the first place.  

My First Anniversary Of Being Tobacco Free!

I smoked my last cigarette at 8:05am on May 5, 2014 . I didn't know then if it would really be the day I finally quit, but I told myself to really try to go 24 hours without smoking, a goal I had never achieved. And I made it! So then I told myself, if I could go a day, I could truly make it.

I started smoking at a very young age, and smoked 35 years. I made numerous attempts to quit going back to my college years. I tried cold turkey, cutting back, the patch, gum, a nicotine inhaler, Wellbutrin and Chantix. No matter what, I couldn't break that 24 hour goal. I would go through ashtrays and light up every disgusting butt for 1 or 2 nasty drags.

My last few years of smoking I was under a PAD, but only due to financial reasons. I just wouldn't let myself have more than 1 cigarette per hour, but I certainly smoked the heck out of each one. The filter would be collapsed by the time I was finished.

Thank you, ECF. I was so clueless when I started vaping. I didn't know which was 510 and which was ego threading on my batteries. I didn't know an atomizer from a clearomizer. I didn't know what rebuildables were, or that the ones I saw online were clones. I kept googling different things, and kept ending up here to read. Finally after 3 months of lurking, I joined.

The journey has been amazing! The technology changes alone in the 14 months I've been vaping are mind boggling. And I've met some truly kind and generous folks here, from those who give their time all day to help others, to those who give hardware and juice to those in a financial crunch. Thank you, all  

I Have A Serious Question

So today I bought a pack of cigarettes . I havent smoked in a long time and i feel like vaping has turned me into a complete nicotine addict and this is why I bough the pack , I wanted to test myself since I know how much I use to smoke . Ever since I started vaping I have been increasing strenght and quantity of juice per day and I vape a lot , some days , I would vape between 10 - 15 ML of 6mg juice and absorb another ML though my skin while building . I smoked my first cigarette in almost a year and I finished it and guess what after that I wanted another one but I didnt take it .

Well before I started vaping I was smoking one cig every 2-3 hours and now I want way more . I am honestly considering quiting vaping and smoking all together , maybe 1 cig day , that would be it . Or maybe I should switch to non rebuiuldable tanks and stop making my own juice because I honestly feel like DYI and rebuildables is what made me vape more , trying different build on different attomizers , trying my new DYI e-liquids , trying other e-liquids that I bought , trying this , trying that , and at the end of the day 20ML of juice gone .

What would you recommend me ?  

How To Cut Down On Vaping?

I love vaping and its much safer than real cigs also sometimes I actually think its not bad for me at all. Problem is I vape way way too much. I dont want to quit but just want to cut down by around half the amount I vape. I swear I vape constantly and I think this is the main issue a lot of vapers have when it comes to vaping. Might as well get a oxygen like mask and just vape through that 24/7. What's a good way to cut down on vaping? I don't think it even has anything to do with nicotine but rather there isn't much indication for when you should put the ecig down. With a cig once you smoke it thats the indication you're done and dont need for like another hour. Could also be some sort of OCD towards vaping.