Coil Building Keeping Me Fit - Part Deux... With A Question.

So, I'm trying to learn my lesson and when I take apart my Kanger or Nautilus coil heads I trying to drop all the itty bitty pieces straight into a little box so I don't lose them. But then it still happens sometimes... mostly with the bottom pin and rubber grommet which I swear my tiled floor simply devours!

My question is - are things like that sold separately (not in the US please) and if yes what exactly do I search for? A search for rubber grommets on Fasttech only yielded a bunch of rubber bands and o-rings.


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Help Me!

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Not the best picture but you can see the tank.

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Here's a pic;

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Super Ventilation And Recessed Tip

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Question From A Newbie To All Vape Veterans

My English not good but hope u guys understand....

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Question About Builds

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What is the point of of sub ohms? cant i just build a 2.0 ohm coil or something like that to achieve the results as if i was subohming
I am very confused on this
thanks for the replys in advance
Oh yea is a 1.6 ohm coil at 15 watts a normal build or any recommendations for the kayfun v4 for watts and ohms thanks again