There's Something Missing He Tells Me.

So the gear I ordered for my son has arrived and yesterday was the big unpack day. The iStick 20 and Nautilus Mini look like a snazzy starter combo so he should consider himself lucky. I gave him some of my DIY juice - a tobacco flavoured one at 12mg, just in case he is still hankering after the tobacco taste, my own ADV of Tropical Custard and a very nice Peach Melba that I make, both at 6mg. Oh and in the evening I also handed him some Capuccino.

After 24 hours I checked up on him. He said he's happy with it but while he was working on his computer yesterday (he's a lawyer), he did light up a few smokes. He said he's fine with vaping if he's just sitting around but somehow there is something missing. He couldn't put a finger on it and neither can I.

Any thoughts?  

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Okay So

I have my istick 50...have been using the subtank mini with rba n coils close to bout 1 ohm,good enuf,but get several burnt tasting hits,so local vape guy hooked me up with an dripper ..coil is .3 (need a wider bore tip now tho)nd I don't know what is wrong here but I'm using a 12mg juice nd not rly getting any vapor nd am coughing.I'm still getting the peach flavor he primed the cotton with n not my sugar cookies ..I'm not sure yet the 12 is too strong nd I don't want tht to happen cuz as of now all I have is 12s with 6more I've ordered on the way.Definitely not getting burnt taste but I need a higher wattage mod? I don't care for clouds but I'm getting real small ones right now which just doesn't seem right. .3ohm 50w(being the max) 12 mrgoodvape moon sugar juice...feeling lost here...not at the shop now nd he's very informative but I feel like I'm missing something,he built the coils n set the drip up for me nd it's all fine,idk maybe for a drip I need over 50w n less than 12mg....I have a 6mg of the same juice just in case as well tho too so...absolutely new to dripping but not sure if it's my device needing to b higher capable or what...which is why I put this in general vaping n not rebuildable anything forum cuz I'm generally looking for ideas on juice mg the bore of my tip,power of device,so it's multiple things on my mind...ideas plz  

Lemo 2 Bad Taste

So I got my Lemo 2 yesterday and there is something wrong with it . The taste is awful . I boiled the crap out of it yesterday but that didnt change much .

Basically I get bad taste even if my cotton is oversaturated with juice which leads me to the conclusion that this taste is coming from the tank itself . I checked everything its fine , the pressure is also fine . That bad taste is a mix between a dry hit and plastic taste but agian , taste doesnt change even if I full my entire chimney with juice so it is not the whisking . ]

Has anyone had similar problems or any ideas ?  


Some of y'all may remember me, some not so fondly, but that's okay. I used to be a very frequent and outspoken contributor here.

I haven't posted in awhile. Mainly because I fell off the wagon big time after 5 years of vaping and felt like a hypocrite posting on these forums.

I've tried new vaping products in the interim and just haven't been able to stay away from the cancer sticks.

That changed for me yesterday after trying the Iqos device.

I tried one, bought one and haven't had an analog since.

For those wondering about these, especially those who are looking for that missing something with nicotine salts, WTA etc, give these a try.

They are basically a miniature dry herb vaporizer for tobacco.

You get that same instant rush from a cigarette, those same missing chemicals, and a very similar hand and mouth feel.

No harshness or coughing like from vaping either. And the taste is PHENOMENAL. I'm not a fan of tobacco flavors....have never smoked for the taste.... but this is the fullest, cleanest tobacco flavor I've ever experienced.

And the best part is, since nothing is burning like a cigarette, there's a big reduction in tar and harmful chemicals.

I will try to post a video review in the next few days if anyone is interested.

This is a game changer for me, even bigger than that first kr808 I tried over a decade ago....and if keeps someone else off of cigarettes, I think it's worth posting here  

Reliable Thick/dark Juice Setup?

Hey, everyone. My gear: MVP, EVOD batteries, Mini PT3, Nautilus (new BVCs) tanks.

I want to be able to vape the dark, creamy, butterscotch, custard, and tobacco flavors that I love so much, but recently my two vape setups just taste terrible no matter what I do. I've grown sick of the sugary, fruity flavors that only seem to work in my setup and so I type this with a lip full of Copenhagen and heart full of regret (I was tobacco free for almost a month). So, what setup can you recommend so that I can get back to vaping those thick, dark juices? I will try RDAs if it is the only reliable way.


Should I Give It To Him?

My son sort of half heartedly wishes to give up smoking. He has tried patches and those didn't work at all. I gave him my Green Smoke cigalikes and those didn't cut it either. So without telling him I bought him an iStick 20 and a Nautilus mini thinking if he got the real benefit of more or less proper vaping he might stick with it. I even make my own juice so I can keep him happily supplied.

The equipment is due to arrive any day now but after what happened yesterday I'm almost having second thoughts about giving it to him when it does arrive. We know not even regulated mods are 100% safe. I can live through my own accidents but if something happened to my son because of something I gave him I would not be able to live with it.

Is this just PTSD on my part? What do you think?  

Already I Can't Deal With High Nicotine.

Tomorrow I will be entering my fourth smoke-free week. I started out with 12mg Green Smokes which at the time seemed mild even though I had been of 1 PAD light tobacco smoker for many many years. Since then I have moved to mvps and tanks using mainly 6mg liquid, bought or made. Last night I found a box of the 12mg Green Smokes lying around and on a whim thought I would try one. I very nearly choked!! The 12mg hit my throat like an atom bomb and I was hacking for half an hour straight.

It's amazing isn't it. I rarely inhale while vaping - don't feel the need to. And yet I am satisfied and I feel I am pretty much getting over my nicotine addiction without even trying. I shall probably go on being addicted to the vaping because it is a pleasurable activity in itself but I can see myself going nicotine free in the not too distant future.

So my advice to anyone just starting on this journey - get yourself some good equipment and some nice liquid. You'll forget all about analogues in no time.  

Mistakes You Have Made As A Newbie Or A Veteran Of Vaping.

Thought this would a fun thread to get going here in ECF.

Well,i'll start with something that just happened to me.

So yesterday i got my order in from the spanish website i use for my vaping needs,got some DIY materials and a couple of coils for my Innokin Zlide.

The vape shop was kind enough to send me as a gift a bottle of peach flavoured hand sanitizer.

I kept that hand sanitzer on my desk but stupidily enough i kept it close to my bottles with e-liquid.
So i refilled my Innokin Zlide with what i thought was my popcorn flavoured e-liquid when in reality i just refilled it with the peach scented sanitizer.

Lucky for me when i closed it i could tell by the smell that something was wrong so yeah...that happened.
Tossed the coil to the garbage (only used it like 2 days) and proceeded to wash and clean the tank,but in my defense the bottles look the same (except for the colour that is)

Common mistake,lights were turned off and i was watching a movie so yeah that happened hehe

p.s. hand sanitizer is the bottle on the right  

Still Cool To Not Sub-ohm?

Whenever i go out for a drink on the town with the lady, I'll see vapsters here and there with their sub-ohm setups. And here i am with my Nautilus Mini and whatever low-wattage mod I decided to pair it with.

Honestly, each day I seem to enjoy using these low wattage devices, such as the VV4 and a Nautilus Mini, more and more as opposed to my sub-ohm gear.

With my Nautilus, the flavor and throat hit is always spot on, and the vapor is nice too for what it is. I seem to be using this setup more and more lately... And when subbing, it's rare for me to get that satisfying hit, i just find myself vaping more and more to feel satisfied thus burn through a ton of juice. With a Nautilus, I get that satisfying hit right away and vape here and there.

With my sub-ohm gear, juices can be a hit or miss at times in terms of flavor and hit. But i can always count on my Nautilus Mini to give me exactly what I want each and every time.

I even bought a MVP20 at a killer price to perfectly compliment the Nautilus Mini. I wouldnt be burning through nearly as much juice, thus saving me money in the long run.

It's nice to blow crazy big clouds in public, but im starting to fall back on mimicking a standard cigarette with vaping rather than chase clouds.

Am i crazy for shying away from sub-ohming? Maybe it will be fun again after i take a break from it?  

Kanger Subtank Mini Small Problem

okay, so i had a problem yesterday where i would keep getting juice popping up on the draw, that problem is solved, however, now on only the second day of light use, on the 1.2 ohm coil that came with the tank i am getting a pretty harsh smokey taste. Its not overwhelming like it is when a coil is burnt out, just an unpleasant taste. I did 4 drops of liquid on the coil before using, everything is screwed in tight. Do i need maybe a couple more drops on the coil?

FYI: using an istick 30w burning at about 14.5-15w  

Hey Everyone!! Some Juice Talk?

Hey guys, pretty new here only one previous post...
Was having problems with my K100 & Mini Nautilus combo for vaping, that's why I originally signed up!!
Talked about it with members & found my K100 was ultimately the problem, upgraded to a IPV Mini & I'm vaping like a king

& that's the issue so now I'm vaping about 6ml a day, I just smashed through a 15ml 12mg nicotine Cinnabun & 15ml 0mg nicotine Cinnabun.
(Mixing the two gives me great flavor & the right amount of nicotine hit)
So the point of this post was...

Where do you guys buy Juice?
( I usually buy from a local smoke shop about 10$ per 15ml )
Is that expensive ?
I've looked online & factoring shipping price I need to buy 3-4 bottles + to be saving money & I've bought online before, ( ordered 60$ in samples & the flavors were horrid in my opinion I guess that online vendor just isn't my taste ? )
So I'm just wondering is 10$ every 2-3 days the best I can do juice wise ?
Or are there some trusted online vendors you guys can agree on with good flavors & good prices?

I'm currently smoking from a local vendor I believe ( MadHatters )
& love there flavors.