My Wife Says My Vaping "stinks."

Anyone else have this problem? Maybe it's my choice of juices (I'm still into the tobacco type of vapes, slowly moving into other flavors), but my wife can't stand the smell. And she's a smoker!
Personally, I know I can't smell much of anything, and I have had people at work tell me that some vapes smell "delicious." I just don't get it.  

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A New Convert!!

So the other day my wife says that she is interested in trying vapeing cause she really loves the smell it puts out,I tell her that it has nic in it don't think its a good idea but we will go to the shop and try some zero and see what you think and find you a flavor.Today we went and she had a ball trying different flavors she said "its like the chocolate factory just guilt free"lol yes it is.we got her flavor and got her setup on some of my old hardware and now I can't pry the thing out of her hands.Ha ha I created a monster I love it!!!  

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Q. Is there anything that gets rid of e-juice smells...Any advice would be greatly appreciated before I throw the whole thing away!

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The smell is is just efin toxic!!

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End rant.  

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Now if only somebody would tell this stupid spell checker there is no "u" in flavor!  

How Important Were Flavors To Help You To Quit Smoking?

I haven't come across any studies or polls that determine how important flavors are/were to help vapers to quit smoking and remain off cigarettes.

This video is a fantastic testimony on how important flavors are in vaping. It's in an MP4 format, so the link looks funny, but its safe to click on. Mark_Slis-Michigan_Testimony-2019-09-12.mp4

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Why You Don't Need an E-Liquid that Tastes Like Cigarettes

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Sign the Petition

A General Rant To Clear My Frustration... ( The Ban)

I know this is useless for most of you and if the mods want to delete it please do but I am so frustrated with the media and the politicians and I have no outlet for this, so here we are.

I actually have never smoked or vaped (aside from a trial puff here and there), but my wife and mother both have smoked and do vape. I'm on here because I'm the research and order guy.

They switched from smoking to vaping in 2007 almost at the same time, so it's been 12 years for them.

My mom was a smoker for 50ish years, and as a waitress, she was at about 2 packs a day. She's always had fairly good health because she worked on it, but as she got older you could hear the "smoker's cough" develop and just see the symptoms of aging and the early signs of lung issues. One of her sisters has COPD and another died of lung cancer. She swapped to e-cigs and never had a relapse to cigarettes. Within a year the cough was gone. She is 75 and most people think she is in her 50s. She is active and in great health with only mild diabetes (controlled with diet and I think the minimum dose of a pill, no insulin). She has had chest x-rays and a few other exams and they doubt her when she tells them she is an ex-smoker.

My wife has a similar story. Lighter smoker for a shorter time, but same results. Better health, lungs fully healed from smoking. No side effects from vaping.

Oh and my wife's father was a huge smoker and used e-cigs to completely quit smoking/vaping altogether when the pills/patches/gum wouldn't work at all.

Now, they both utilize products from that resemble cigarettes and use the "light or ultralight" (I wanna say 1.8% or 1.1%... something like that) equivalent nicotine level. They don't have the giant boxes the "kids" use that produce a room full of vape smoke to be edgy and cool. They vape pretty much the same times they'd take a smoke break though I think less often really... I think they take fewer puffs maybe a little more often? I dunno, it's hard to remember since they haven't smoked in 12 years. My wife will hold hers casually hidden in her hand and get a couple puffs during movies and slowly let the vapor escape and NOBODY knows. Not even me sitting next to her.

Their health is so much better. My mom uses a plain nicotine flavor that tastes like her Winston lights did and my wife has a Menthol that tastes close to her Salem Slim Light 100s. Neither were fond of the fun flavors. I got some 0 nicotine grape the first year and puffed on it once in a while and it was neat (not really inhaling, more like a cigar or a pipe) and that was that.

I am so pissed off at the Trumps and the media for their generalized reporting and the banning of products. I'm pissed at the people/kids who use vaping like its a toy and fun hipster trend and got it banned from airplanes and restaurants. I look at my mom who most likely would have died of lung cancer or be on oxygen by now if not for vaping and I just want to punch these people in the face. How can single digit deaths, which I understand was using sketchy products anyway, trigger fear and a ban when the cigarette companies kill MILLIONS and cause cancer (to smokers and people who are adjacent to smokers via 2nd hand smoke) just have to put a warning label on their product?

Anyway, I'm rambling. I don't know where this goes. Maybe it'll spark discussion. Maybe it'll be deleted and I'll be told I'm an idiot. Maybe someone who isn't sure if vaping will help them quit smoking will see three success stories and take a step in the right direction. I dunno...

Fight the good fight people.  

Strong Taste Of Nicotine In 3mg/ml?

Ive always vaped juices with 3mg Nic and have never been bothered by the taste of it. Now, a couple of weeks ago i quit smoking cigarettes and picked up my vapes again and orderes some new juices as well.

the problem is I get a strong and "peppery" taste of the nicotine and it feel like im vaping like 9mg juices. It really bothers me since I dont get the most flavour out of my juices.

Has someone experienced the same thing? what is going on? i bought 4 differens e-juices and there regular nic in 2 of them and salt nic-shots (for shortfills) in the other 2. they all taste the same in regards to that awful taste.

lets face it, im addicted to nicotine. i will eventually start vaping 0mg but if i do that right now, im afraid i will go back to the cancer-sticks