Vaping On A Cruise

I'm going on a cruise soon and I'm wondering if I'm going to have a problem getting on the boat and Vaping on it I have a mech mod and a a box mod and I use rdas so do you think I'll have a problem getting on with my juice battery and mods  

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Travel Cases For Cruise

Hi all. I am going on a cruise next month and am looking for recommendations for a good travel case for my vape stuff. Also I haven't been on a cruise since I started vaping, so wondering does anyone know if I will be relegated to the regular smoking section of the ship?  

Vaping On A Cruise Questions.

I've never been on one before. I think it's Carnival. Can I expect to find USB ports located throughout the ship? Anything I need to know? Smoking areas? Vaping paranoia?

What Do You 'crave' The Most About Vaping?

Most people justify vaping to smoking because it's healthier, and to some, cheaper, but what is it that you enjoy most out of vaping? The nic fix, the shiny mech mods, the high powered box mods, the clouds?

Personally, I love the flavor of vaping the most, along with my house and vehicles not smelling like an ashtray. I'm sure a lot of other people can attest to this too, but having a big collection of gear is pretty cool, too. I figured there would come a time when I'd cut back on spending, but it seems like with the selection of vape stuff out there today, just makes me want more. It's like it never ends.

Whats your favourite part of vaping?  

International Flight > Spare Batteries In Carry-on And Juice + Everything Else In Checked Bags?

International Travelers

I am now in the US and I am going back to the Philippines for about a year.

I have a couple of VW box mods and a mech. tube mod along with 3 or 4 various atomizers. I also have a bunch of 18650 and 18500 batteries along with a couple of those skinny EGO style Twist batteries.

Since I make my own juice, I have some large bottles of VG and some 60mg Nic unflavored PG base, along with some bottles of flavorings.

I am thinking that everything I have goes into the checked bags except for the batteries which go in carry-on luggage ... does this sound right to you?

One thing else ... If I have a small EGO Twist battery with a small Kanger Aerotank Mini on top of it (for vaping at the airport once I get into Hong Kong), do you think I would have any problem with airport security if I put that in the TSA tray along with my other carry-on junk that's in my pocket before going though the metal detector? ... The Aerotank Mini in my pocket would have a little juice in it.


Hybrid Mech Mods

Anyone know of any hybrid mech mods? (Direct atomizer to battery connection)  

Mech Mod Help?

Hello very basic question I love dripping and do it all day my one problem is with the mech mods I have I cannot place them down with out locking them or they fire sometimes anyone know of a good clone that will not fire when placed down maybe one with a recessed button of sort?

I currently have a F U and a Stingray infinity  

Mech Mod Question

So I've been vaping now for almost 5 months. I own 4 different regulated mods, many sub ohm tanks and a few rda's. I'm wanting to pick up a mech mod, but not sure which would be better. I'm pretty much looking at either the nemesis clone or the stingray x clone. Any thoughts on which is better, or any other mechs that I may want to look into?  

Problem On Still Smoking While Vaping

Hi all, Ive been vaping on and off for 1 and half now it seems depending on my job ive had a problem of staying off the smokes. Pretty much its when I work outside the vape just doesnt do it while when im working indoors vaping is fine even when I have to go outside to do so. Anyone else had this problem and any advice of staying off the smokes?  

Battery Revival


So, I always used to use mech mods from about 6 months to a year and a half into vaping. For the last 6 months I've been on regulated (iStick 30W and 50W).

When I switched to regulated I retired my mech mods and 18650 batteries to the closet. I made sure they were all around 50% charged because I heard from someone on here that was the best condition to leave them.

Well recently I've had this curiosity to try them again, only for at home use, mainly for the novelty of it.

So, my question is, what will I have to do to revive these batteries? Are they safe to just throw back on the charger and use when fully charged? Or are they not safe to use?

Batteries: 4 Sony VTC 4's (all were acquired about a month before I stopped using mechs), 2 XTAR (Sony) VTC 4's (about a year old now) , 2 MXJO 2500mah (20A LG's) (about a year old now).

Let me know! Thank you!

Vape Happy,
Cullin Kin  

Flavour Dillemma

Think i might have a problem been vaping 18 mg juices since last Sept recently upgraded up to a Alantis + Sub Ohm battery. At first it took some getting used to it is a lot more powerful then the Nautilus.

Started vaping on the Nautilus today after a week on the Alantis and the taste seems muted to me i can hardly taste the juice in it. In fact it taste pretty tasteless even on 15 watt.