You Know You're A Hopeless Vaper When....

I know I'm beyond hope with vaping because I have a collection of mods and just mixed a liter of DIY liquids for the month.  

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Vaping "aged" Nicotine Liquid... Love It!

I've got 2 x bottles of Carolina 100mg PG liquid, both about 1 year old. I started mixing liquids with it today, and noticed that the nicotine mixture has begun to oxidize. This liquid is normally clear, but has begun to take-on a sort-of orange hue.

I mixed 2 x 60ml bottles of Mothers Milk, and 2 x my RY4 w/cheesecake and coffee. The oxidized nicotine liquid gives these liquids a tobacco-like throat hit that I haven't gotten since I quite smoking. It's the one thing that I've always missed about smoking. I could get this when mixing my liquids at 18mg, but never at 3mg.

I keep my liquids in the refrigerator, but I'm thinking I could maybe accelerate the oxidization process, by leaving the liquids unsealed?  

What Do You 'crave' The Most About Vaping?

Most people justify vaping to smoking because it's healthier, and to some, cheaper, but what is it that you enjoy most out of vaping? The nic fix, the shiny mech mods, the high powered box mods, the clouds?

Personally, I love the flavor of vaping the most, along with my house and vehicles not smelling like an ashtray. I'm sure a lot of other people can attest to this too, but having a big collection of gear is pretty cool, too. I figured there would come a time when I'd cut back on spending, but it seems like with the selection of vape stuff out there today, just makes me want more. It's like it never ends.

Whats your favourite part of vaping?  

Beware, Not All Vape Stores Are Created Equal.

There are so many vape shops in my immediate area now that I can't even keep track of them all.

Even though I still qualify as a newbie vaper, since I've only been vaping for a few months, I now know enough about vaping to know a terrible vape store when I see one.

I was in a vape shop some weeks ago, and what I witnessed shocked me.

This vape store sold the typical premium juices and brands that you'll find everywhere and they also sold some hardware, like clones and mods.

They also had their own brand of cheap, in house juice which they sold and which they would also give out to customers as part of their rewards system, where customers who earn enough points will get a small, free bottle of juice.

While I was in the store looking around, another customer was there and they were getting a free bottle of that in house juice, and they were sampling different flavors, to see which one they wanted.

The sales person asked the customer what nicotine level they wanted, and after the customer told them, I saw the sales person walk towards the middle-back of the shop, and in less than 30 seconds, the juice was mixed and ready to go. The sales person was just eye balling the nicotine content! And it was being mixed right there in the open, in the middle of the shop!

I don't need to be an advanced vaper to know that this is not good at all, and I am shocked that somebody with such bad knowledge would even dare to open their own vape store. Needless to say, a vape store like that probably won't stay in business for long, when there are so many other better options around, with more knowledgeable people working in them.  

Nicotine Strength For Sub-ohm Vaping

Hi I have a question about nicotine strength in my juice for sub-ohm vaping: I've only started vaping my tfv12 prince smok tank 4 days ago, so total newbie- used to do only mtl before that. I'm currently using Q4 coils, 0.4 ohm, vaping at 50-60 Watts: quite happy with a cooler vape, I tried them at 70-90 but slightly too warm for me, maybe in the future it will change.
Majority of the sites and youtube videos that I came across where sub-ohm vaping was discussed said that the maximum nicotine strength used when sub-ohm vaping should be 6mg/ml. So I've mixed a few juices, 70/30 vg/pg, ranging from 3-6mg nic. I noticed that I'm chain-vaping with very little nicotine hit. But i kept nicotine cravings sattisfied with my mtl device used simultanously.
Today however, I wanted to check something. I've mixed some 65/35 VG/PG liquid for my gf's smok nord pod a few days ago, with nicotine at approx. 11.5mg/ml, so I popped it into my prince tank to try it. Expected to choke on it but no- it vapes great at 60 Watts, tastes good (carnival sherbet concentrate + a little bit of strawberry cream concentrate added) nicotine hit: I can feel it, but unless I go crazy it doesn't make me nic sick.

Is this normal? Why do people recommend going max 6mg nic for sub-ohm vaping? Is it because they aren't recent ex-smokers or they never were smokers, and just use low nic liquids at their stage of vaping? Thanks  

Glad I Started When I Did

I joined ECF back in August of 2017. I was sixty-five years old and had been smoking 25-30 cigarettes a day for 40+ years. I began vaping at the same time win the hope I could at least cut down. I dual used for months, continually cutting back on cigarettes. I smoked my last cigarette on May 11, 2018 - I am coming up on my three year anniversary. When I began, I vaped 24mg nicotine. Now I alternate between 3mg and zero nic.

Given how incredibly positive vaping has been for me, I am in shock at recent events. I was down to two working mods. I have ordered four mods, some tanks and a bunch of coils. I am still able to buy some eliquids where I live - but many of my favorites from Halo have been discontinued. I still have some outstanding hardware orders that I hope get delivered.

The treatment of vaping in the media has been a one sided disgrace, and propaganda works. Over the years when I have mentioned to people that I quit by vaping, they respond, ‘so you quit smoking by picking up a habit that is even more dangerous’.

I am set for at least a year. Fortunately I have kicked my addiction to nicotine - I recently vaped zero nic for a month. If I was just starting out, it would truly be panic time, and I would go back to cigarettes for sure. I suspect that many will do just that. Happy I started when I did.  

Not Sure If This Is Vapor Fatigue / Vapors Tongue?

Hey guys, so I've heard of the above mentioned symptoms of constant vaping, the whole losing taste of a certain liquid you've been vaping constantly and such, but I have a sort of weird scenario.

I get a very strange taste from some of my liquids. For instance, I bought some space jam Omega which is supposed to be peaches and cream with a hint of spices. My friends and girlfriend all seem to taste a very strong peach flavor, I however taste a weird spice flavor. It's almost a basil taste.

The weird thing is, this happens with a few different liquids, but so far it's only fruity liquids (space jams astro, and 2 of vintages liquids) which I don't vape very often. I've had some loss of flavor when I vape the same liquid constantly, but that's the thing I'm rarely vaping these liquids.

I tried using some mouthwash, staying hydrated, etc and nothing has worked.

Any tips/advice/possible info would be appreciated! I just wanna taste my juice!  

Started Vaping In Wrong Country

Hey everyone. As my name suggests, I'm an American living in Australia with my new family. Just got into vaping about 2 years ago and well yea huge collection now. I'm missing some key juices and mods I reckon.

I usually go to Everest Vape on Penrith.
I tend to lean towards Sugoi Ryu, stuck on my Squid V2 with QP Designs Fatality M25.

Steamcrave Odin is too large but is my second go to with a Drop RDA.

I've tried few mods and tanks and just feel like my taste is so intuned and can't explore new flavors. I have lots that just doesn't taste right. I'm usually on 80 to 90 watts .13 to .16 ohm dual coils. My hellvape went to a. 30 single and swear it almost comes out like an MTL. Are these juices everyone is buying these days?


Still Going Strong. Can I See Your Vape Collection?

It's me again Margaret!

I've been gone for awhile due to a new job and new hours, not enough free time but i'm back.

I started on an Ego-T, and a tank you couldn't tilt over without spilling juice.
Since November, I have dove head first into the deepest realms of vaping.

Now I vape using a Sigelei 150w set on 80w usually on .4-.6 builds, dual, single, quad, parallel, twisted, ranging on a few different RDA's, (Authentic Pollux, Dark Horse, Little Boy, Magma, Doge, and Enigma).

If I get 10 replies, with pictures of your vape box or vape collection, I will post mine!

I want this to catch on!



How Does Vaping Affect Your Breath Compared To Analogs?

I think that it's safe to say that many smokers of analog cigs have bad breath, for obvious reasons.

But what about from vaping?

I've only been doing this for around a month, and it's kind of hard for me to notice my own breath, but I obviously don't smell like an ashtray anymore.

Does a vaper's breath smell like the flavor that they're vaping all day, or would you say that vaping has little or no affect on a person's breath?

I realize that something like this varies from person to person, but I'm just asking in a general sort of way, for the average person.

Does vaping menthol give you better breath, like if somebody ate a lifesavers or a tic tac?  

Small Things We Do While Vaping That Deserve No Explanation

Hello everyone.

Hope you and your loved ones are staying safe.

What small things we do while vaping that deserve no explanation?

Myself I have the quirk (hope this is the right word) of only liking to set my wattage in some specific numbers and/or sequences:
2-7-12-17-22-27-32-etc or numbers ending with 9.

What else... I have a thing for black mods and black atomisers.

Anyone else have some things that fit the topic that want to share?

Stay safe. Have fun.