Good afternoon all,
Any thoughts on the neptune v2 hybrid mod?
I have a v1 and I still use it @ home. Love the fact it was a all in one mod and RDA. Very light and discreet in 490 mode.
Been eyeballing that one just not sure if its a big improvement over the v1
Hey forum folks. I got lucky enough to win beyond vape's monthly prize and chose the neptune V1 hybrid mech mod. It will be making its way to me soon but in the mean time I need to get all the various goodies to make use of it. I need some recommendations for battery, battery charger, and dual coil build for the 3post rda that is built into it as this is my first rda and mech mod.
Thanks in advance
Just thought I would go ahead and leave this here for the antz to see... perhaps counteract things.... now that I found out that they actually are releasing information that they've picked up from forums... I'm not at all shocked about the health improvement in fact I knew that was happening and that was a good 90% of why I decided to switch. I just thought I should put it in the same format as individuals with toenail fungus and hickeys that think it might be Vape related
Don't get me wrong, I love to vape. But I do miss the convenience of analogs. Every corner store carries your brand, it's easy to bum a smoke from a friend or even get a light from a stranger. Vaping isn't that easy.. Today I replaced the coil in my atlantis before leaving home for the day. I suppose I should've tested it before I left the house but I haven't had a stock coil fail yet. So about a hour away from home I pulled my sx mini out of my lunch box and was looking forward to a vape. But it gave me an error, check atomizer. So I unscrewed the tank and double checked the coil was snug to the base and no moisture was under the coil. I also checked the floating pin on my sx mini and everything seems good n clean. Still I get the message, check atomizer.. Sooo frustrating because I'm a hour away from home with no backup vape and no extra coil.. I broke down and had a terrible death stick. Couldn't even finish it due to taste and smell. It's just not my vape. Anyways no one else at my work vapes so I had to vent to some other fellow vapors.. I can't wait to get home and get another coil!!
The center pin on an Onslaught RDA doesn't protrude. I put a screwdriver to it and unscrewed it a little until it protruded. Now it works on a mech mod with a hybrid connection.
After Many months of searching, I have settled on my main out and about Mod as an MVP 30W and a Kanger Sub Tank Mini. I still love my e-pipes & drippers at home, but it is really nice just to grab the MVP and go, no extra batteries, parts, juice bottles, etc.
I have been carrying my old MVP2 & a Nautilus as a backup, but the vape and flavor is very different then my main, it really doesn't work as a backup.
After doing a ton of research I have decided that I will be going with the Subtank nano, but I am at a loss for what mod to get.
My only must have is that it needs to output at least 20 watts and stay around $70 or under. I want something smaller then the MVP 30W which is the reason I have not just picked up on of those.
I would like on board charging but it is not a must have.
I am open to either a box or tub style.
i have looked at the iStick 30, but I am not sure the lip on it will look good with the nano.
Okay EFC, let me know your thoughts!
I can not seem to make my troll rda flush. I keep hearing horror stories with the hybrid adapter so I'm nervous to use it. Any suggestions?
I tried searching the forum but saw little information. Does anyone have any information on if is a legit site? I don't believe that I had heard of them before today, but I saw that they had a really cheap deal on a pod device I was interested in. Not only that but it was free shipping for a $15 product. Seems like a really, really good deal. Almost too good for a device that is normally 40 bucks. Would love to hear some thoughts from people who might have dealt with the company in the past. Thanks
Anyone know of any hybrid mech mods? (Direct atomizer to battery connection)
what exactly is a hybrid mod?
An old friend who hasn't been heard from for several years popped up yesterday. It was good to hear from her again, although she is suffering from the same paranoia as the rest of us. I wonder if this is Trump's way of promoting the Vaping Industry ? By getting everyone to buy stuff ?
Anyways, two new REOS and two new Galaxies on the way. Some more PG and maybe some more DIY Flavorings as well. Who need a car payment ? Buy Vaping stuff ! NOW ! PANIC MODE !