Kangertech Subtank Atomiser Reading Incorrectly?

Hi all

I just got an MVP 3.0 with a kangertech subtank plus with 0.5 coils. When I'm vaping the atomiser is reading 0.6 and sometimes 0.7?  

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Kangertech Subtank On Eleaf Istick


I recently purchased the eleaf istick which I use with the kangertech subtank.

While I am impressed with the vapour production, I find it way too harsh and hot. On the coil it has the recommonded setting printed between 15 - 30w. I'm at 15w, but I'm still finding it too hot and harsh.

My question is:

is it safe to go down all the way to 11w or even possibly 8. I am confused as I've heard this could short my device or cause injury e.g device exploding, fire...


Subtank Mini And Coughing

I've searched the forums and really couldn't find anything spot on with the problem I'm having, but if there is something I missed please forgive me. Anyways Ive been vaping for about 2 months now. I've had no problems with coughing and not being able to Vape up to now. I was using an Aspire Nautilis mini, and I decided to get a Kangertech sub tank mini. This is where the problems have begun. I'm coughing like crazy with this thing. I've done mouth to lung hits, let the it sit in my mouth before inhaling and still cough like crazy and it's only with this subtank I'm now using. I was using the 0.5 ohm coil that was on the unit. I switched to the 1.5 to see if that helped and it didn't. I've adjusted air flow, played with wattages and voltages and really no help. Is there a reason this is happening? What would be the cause of me having a coughing fit only when using this subtank? By the way I'm using a 50/59 mix of e juice.  

Best Box Mod And Cartomizer Combination

righto heres the story. started out with those ridiculous ecigs that looked like a ciggerette. but has the red light for a tip. Got it from our Neighboring country. next i found someone and got a Innokin itaste V3 and a ****ty tank. it was the budget kangertech tanks which has many problems.

after browsing around i decided to check out the ELEAF ISTICK 30W with a kangertech subtank nano.
What do u guys think of this combo?! also what box mods and tank combinations would u highly recommend? so spoiled for choices here!~ Feel free to share your experiences of your first devices! The more we learn the more better!

Yours sincerely.
Vaper from a FINE country.  

Why Do Sub Ohm Take So Much Voltage?

Hello vapers! first! I'm a noob at this stuff because I just buy my tank and use it with the coils it comes with and second, my english isnt that good but I can understand it perfectly fine.

Anyway, Ive been searching everywhere but I couldnt find a solid answer to my question.
Im using an Aerotank Giant right now with a 1.8 ohm coil, if I put a 1.2 ohm I would have to use less voltage because I get a burnt taste and the coil burns pretty quick, Im about to order a Sub ohm tank soon and I'll use the stock coils, the one im getting is the Kangertech SubOhm tank.
Why do subohm coils use more voltage when normal coils use less?

I mean, Ive seen people do things like 0.2 ohm coil @ 100W + If I did anything over 3.5V on my 1.2 ohm coil itd burn instantly... SubOhm takes more voltage the lower you go and normal dual coils take less voltage the lower you go!

1.9 Ohm Dual coil = 3.7-3.8V for me
0.5 ohm OOC subtank sub ohm coil = 12-30W?!

Thanks in advance for taking the time to reply to this post and your patience!


Edit: by the way, Im planning to use my subtank with a 50/50 PG/VG 16mg nicotine, Is that ok?  

Ipv4 + Subtank Mini + Ni 200 Heads - Perfect Setting?

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Kanger Subox?

Kanger SUBOX Mini White Starter kit Pre-order now, Please do not mix t – KangerTech

This black and white one is so sweet I GOTTA get one... you guys see this?

Im gonna need Kanger to stop stepping up thier game like this I wasnt ready...if this turns out to actually be as great a mod as it seems from the specs this is gonna be as big as the Subtank.

Only thing I donty know about is that black and white looks like paint on the subtank, I dunno if that'll stay on for long. It might look bad quick.  

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I'm not sure which one to go with. I'm leaning more toward the subtank, but still not sure. Maybe someone who has either one or knows more about them could help me. I like to have a good amount of clouds while still keeping the flavor.

Or if anyone has a sub-ohm tank they could recommend that they like more than the ones I mentioned that would be good too.

I use an ipv2


How Educated Do I Need To Be For What I Am Doing?

Hi guys,

Just been reading a few things (insulators burning through & shorting, the recent mod explosion, etc) and just wondering if I am in over me head with what I'm doing or if I'm in the 'safe' category.

I don't have any mods, and the sub-est of sub ohming I do is the 0.5ohm Subtank coils. I have the Subtank Nano & Mini.

The two batteries I use are the Ego One and the Aspire CF Sub Ohm. I'm getting into rebuilding the stock OCC Coils and my coils clock in between 0.6 & 0.8 ohm.

So a few questions...

- with the two batteries I have, what could go wrong? I've read about the safety features of the Ego One & the CFSubOhm but my knowledge of electronics is really basic. The have short protection, over charge protect, etc? The CFSubOhm has 9 second cut off on the fire button, not sure about the Ego One.

- What would happen if the insulators on the OCC coil burned through & shorted?

- the Ego One does heat up when charging, is this an issue or is it considered normal?

I really just want to be as safe as possible, and I'm not sure if I've got the time & patience to get educated.

What do you guys reckon?

Thanks a lot for any help.  

Subtank Sizzle....

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