Need Help And Advice On Upgrading

Im been vaping close to a year now so it something I want to stay with up until now I've been using istick 30 and the mvp 20 watt, so since I've definitely am staying vaping what would my next upgrade be? Lookin for something less than 100 buck that is dependable, hopefully a internal battery but that not a necessity, also smething . Cam use to subohm and vape above su. 28th all the choices and I feel overwhelmed so I figured someone with experience can help me thank you  

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Sigelei 50 Watt Vr2 And Subtank Mini Upgrade Opinions Needed

Hey all. Been awhile since I’ve posted but I still snoop daily. Happy to say that this month makes a year off the cigs!!

I’m hoping for some advice on a setup I’m considering upgrading to.

For awhile now, I’ve been rotating a nautilus mini between my provari mini 2.5 and an istick 20w. I find I still get a more consistent flavor and vape on the PV but the istick comes in handy when I’m out and about. Ultimately, I’m looking to enhance my vape experience and hope to get more flavor and more vape production. I typically vape 70VG/30PG 6mg nic juices

I’ve been thinking of moving on up to a kanger subtank mini (found on sale for $30) so I can begin to learn how to build coils, etc. in hopes of saving some extra $$$ on replacement coils down the road. I’m also considering upgrading to a Sigelei 50 Watt VR2 (found them on sale for $50) so I’ll have plenty power for the tank. However, I have no experience with the Sigelei’s, just see that they are a fairly popular box mod with the community and online reviews. Also found the Sigelei 150w on sale for $80 but feel it may be too much for my needs.

So here’s my questions to you fine folks:

- In your opinion, do you think this setup (subtank mini w/ Sigelei 50w VR2) would be a nice upgrade for me based on the price? I’d really like a good setup that I can use to begin learning how to build but also want a mod that is powerful enough so that I won’t feel like upgrading a few months down the road. I also like the fact that I can still use/buy premade coils.

- To build a good sub ohm coil, what supplies are necessary such as what gauge/brand wire, cotton types/brands, tools needed, etc. Keep in mind that I’ve watched a few videos on building coils for this tank but am a complete novice and would need to purchase all the supplies/tools.

- Also, what are the best/safest 18650 batteries to power the sigelei?

I realize that I could probably search for this information individually through this forum and various review videos but am hoping for some additional input/opinions as well. Plus, there's so much information available online it becomes overwhelming and confusing to a noob such as myself.

Thank you in advance.  

I Think I'm Dumb (or Maybe Just Happy)

So I need to make sure right off the bat that no one misunderstands this post as somehow an attack on any vaper of any kind. I'm posting this because I have become genuinely curious and feel I may be missing out on my vaping experience. I've had an APV of some kind or another for the last 2 years or so, nothing ever real fancy or expensive (I just got an istick 50W and love it) but APVs none the less. I have found that I only really vape at very low Watts/Volts compared to many on this (as we speak I'm vaping The Virus in an old original model protank with a 2.2ohm coil in it at 3.8V--6.5W). Now it's not because I don't own a device that can reach the Watt levels I want, any of them can; in fact, I purchase higher resistance coils so I have a bigger range to vape at. My first VV battery was an ego style twist, and I have always kept with the same mentality (again, I'm not suggesting this is the right way, or better than others at all)-- I start at a low voltage, hit it, and continue to raise it .1V at a time until I get a burnt hit. I dial it one down, and there I am. Now I always use the Variable Voltage setting, and where I vape usually works out to be in the 5.5-7.5W range. Now, I have noticed that this is astoundingly low for the devices I use. My question is: when vaping at such high Watt levels, how can you taste the juice at all? I mean, at home (obviously not out in public) I would love to be getting even more satisfying vapor from these devices, which is clearly possible. So what am I doing wrong? What am I missing? Why is it that in the 6-7W range even my hits taste so burnt and dry I would never dream of continuing? All of your information/advice is greatly appreciated. Vape On.  

Best Pen Style Vape 2015

Hello everyone, the thread's title is pretty self-explanatory. I've been vaping on my trusty iTaste VV v3 for the past 9 months but alas, its battery is starting to kick out and does not hold charges like it used to. I'm finding myself charging the device 2-3 times a day if I'm chain vaping. Needless to say, it's time to pick up a new vape. I have done some reserach online and it seems that the iTaste VV v4 is now available and it seems to be the same as the v3 except with a new and improved LCD as well as a 1000mah battery (as opposed to the original 800 mah that the v3 has). I was thinking on taking the plunge and getting the v4 however before I did, I wanted to ask to see if anyone here could recommend any other pen-style vapes that may be even better than the v4. My only requirements are that it be variable wattage and voltage, and the bigger the battery, the better. The iStick 30 seems like a good option for a compact vape however if I'm putting my vape in my pants with my phone, the iStick 30 may be a little too bulky. Subohm would be nice as well, but not necessary as I won't be cloud chasing on a pen-style vape anytime soon.

Thanks in advance for all the feedback!  

Problem On Still Smoking While Vaping

Hi all, Ive been vaping on and off for 1 and half now it seems depending on my job ive had a problem of staying off the smokes. Pretty much its when I work outside the vape just doesnt do it while when im working indoors vaping is fine even when I have to go outside to do so. Anyone else had this problem and any advice of staying off the smokes?  

Any Suggestions For High-wattage Internal Battery Box Mods?

I'm looking for internal battery box mods that has wattage option higher than 50 Watts. So far I've found Smok Xpro M80 Plus, which is an internal battery box mod with 80 Watts power at a great price. ($55) Is there any other internal battery box mods? MVP and Istick serieses are of course excluded here.  

What A Difference A Proper Mod Makes!

I just bought an eleaf istick. I was using, for the few months I've been vaping, only eGo type batteries and decided to spend a little more on a mod and an RTA (EHPro kayfun lite).
The istick just arrived. I know it's not the most advanced piece of vaping hardware, but it's a huge step up from the eGo c twist.
I mean, with the same clearo (nautilus mini), the same juices and, allegedly, the same voltage, this thing makes my vaping experience so much better it's almost unbelievable.
If you're using an eGo battery, and you're serious about going on vaping and quiting smoking for good, by all means buy a regulated mod. It's really, really better.
I realize in the U.S. it's not a big deal, you can get a mod by $30 or less, but here in Brazil an istick goes for at least $100,but it's worth the money.

Now I expect the kayfun to be another step up, after I get decent coil building and wicking skills.

Just sharing the experience anyways.

Thanks for all the help you at this forum give to us at the community.


Help Me Pick A New Atty

Hey guys, need your knowledge and advice here.

I started vaping last year and think its time to upgrade, but last year it was waaay easier to choose what i wanted. Everyone just recommended i got one...and i liked it for the most part. But i did find it too fiddly to get right and i doubt i ever got it to its full potential. every time i would use some crapy evod i swear it would taste better, but have way less vapor than the kayfun lite. So now i would really like something thats has better flavour than the kfl but that is also simple and reliable. wether thats a tank or rta that has a fool proof setup. I also need one thats good for the mouth to lung hits. BUT THERE'S SO MANY CHOICES THESE DAYS WITH NO CLEAR WINNERS, that i can is there a consenses on whats best?

Ill be using a istick 50w, upgraded from my 18350 mech.

TL;DR - Whats the best tank or rta for flavour, m2l, and is simple and reliable to use??

thanks guys, really need your help to narrow it down  

1 Year Anniversary: Really Proud Of My Health And Dollar Savings!

Well, I figured this would be the place to go to express my vaping pride as of right now. I just realize that I am becoming a financially responsible and informed vaper (LOL).

After years of using a popular company that sells 808 cig-a-like's and 808 mod cigar-type batteries, I have graduated to the fine world of 510 products. I have nothing bad to say about the company I used to primarily use. Their products and juices are what made me definitively kick the alternative to vaping and for that I will be forever grateful for them. I guess it's like loving your high school but realizing how cool college is!

But after a while you start noticing how expensive of a habit/hobby vaping could be. Cartomizers costing $7+ and 12-13$ juices is not exactly an economical way to vape. Plus, from what I have seen the majority of the e-cig market has 510 threaded products.

So I dipped my toe into the 510 world by buying an iStick mini. I tried the ViVi Novas and quite honestly thought they sucked. I went ahead and got the Aspire Nautilus and anyone who has tried this combo knows what a pleasant experience it continues to be. Then I went ahead and order a Mini Nautilus and a 30W iStick to have that versatility and the possibility of sub obm vaping in the future.

So I tried a new e-liquid supplier in Mt. Baker. For the most part, I am a menthol guy and found their "Extreme Ice" to be unbelievable (like winterfresh gum) and their regular menthol flavor to be awesome. No to mention how great their prices are for me. I still have a few other samples left to try but so far their spin on Jolly Ranchers is a nice occasional "change of taste" vape!

Anyway, I just ordered a bunch of replacement coils for the Nautilus for really cheap and two more Mini tanks so I can change flavors more often without having to go through the whole tank. I just realized how a little more money up front really does mean more savings in the long run. Not to mention-- a far more rewarding vaping experience.

The moral of the story is that my vaping morale is extremely high. I am grateful for slowly but surely figuring this all out. I'm getting a hold of how to do this economically and learning about all of the wonderful products the vaping market has to offer.

I'm coming up on my one year anniversary (if not, just passed it) of no analogs. I figured I'd share my thoughts with all of you wonderful people here since I don't really have anyone else to chat with this about!


Your Favorite Place(s) To Vape

Starting this thread with main intention for people to post where it is you enjoy vaping the most. Post that as a response and I, as OP, will be satisfied. If a particular situation matches that place, then feel free to note that.

As I enjoy vaping in multiple places and vaping everywhere, with respect, here would be my top places:

1 - vaping in my car while driving - at times I think this is the best place to vape, especially when I am driving alone. Feel a lot of freedom when vaping here.
2 - vaping at home while doing one of three things: a) watching sports on TV, b) playing a video game or c) how can I not mention vaping while visiting ECF
3 - vaping in public - in a hospital (makes the hospital experience a little better, and is one of the easiest places to vape indoors, with respect to others). Or vaping in any public place where I know I have full permission to do so. A bar would likely be prime example here, but I do not frequent bars, so not sure really and is why this is last on the list.

And you?  

Upgrade Assistance/advice

Been off the thread for some time, just logging back in for some advice.

Been using the original iStick with an aspire mini for quite some time. Any advice on an upgraded battery or tank. I am not looking to build coils, just want to see if I can improve the overall quality and more importantly flavor.